Chapter 23: Escape

She had always admired him and been captivated by his strength and good looks. Being near him made her feel safe and she wanted nothing more than to express her feelings. Feelings she had hidden deep within her, always too afraid to say them out loud.

Sheng Fei had saved her from a really dark place and gave her a reason to live. He was everything to her and she wanted nothing more than to be with him but she was scared he might reject her.

Sheng Fei sighed softly, recalling the Ivory Warlord once again. “I’m fine, Jade,” he replied, reaching out to pat her head gently. Jade has always been worried about his well-being. "He may be strong but it'll take a lot for him to injure me. You don't need to worry so much."

Jade nodded, a small smile playing on her lips, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She already knew he was unharmed—Blaze had informed her of everything when she woke up. But that wasn’t why she had sought him out. She just wanted to be near him, to talk to him more, and perhaps… to finally tell him how she truly felt.

Her heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of fear and determination swirling within her. She took a deep breath and slowly, she released a small amount of her pheromones, directing them towards Sheng Fei in a subtle, almost imperceptible manner. Her blue eyes locked onto his, searching for any sign of a reaction, hoping against hope that he might respond in kind.

For a moment, everything seemed to stand still. Sheng Fei’s expression remained neutral, but then she saw it—the slight narrowing of his golden eyes, the way his posture stiffened as the unfamiliar scent reached him. The shift in his demeanor was subtle but unmistakable, and it felt like a punch to Jade’s gut.

Then, his expression darkened, a flicker of something akin to disgust crossing his face. He took a small step back, creating a deliberate distance between them. His gaze turned cold as realization dawned on him.

Everyone knew that an omega deliberately releasing their pheromones around someone in particular meant only one thing. They were interested in the person.

“Jade…” he began, his voice lower, more serious than before. “What are you doing?”

The rejection in his tone was undeniable, and Jade’s heart sank. She quickly tried to mask her embarrassment, her smile faltering as she fought to maintain her composure. “I… I just…”

But Sheng Fei didn’t let her finish. His voice, though not unkind, was firm and resolute. “I appreciate your concern, but this isn’t right. Never do this again."

His words hit Jade like a physical blow, her chest tightening as the reality of the situation sank in. Sheng Fei did not like her like that.

Seeing the hurt in her eyes, Sheng Fei’s gaze softened slightly but he didn't want to leave room for misunderstanding. “Look, Jade, I appreciate this and I understand your feelings but I cannot accept them." He said. “I already have someone else."

“Someone else?” she repeated, her eyes narrowing in disbelief.

“Yes,” Sheng Fei confirmed. “I have someone else. It wouldn’t be right to lead you on so I'm telling you this now." He met her gaze directly, his expression softening. “I think it would be better if you focused on someone else, someone who can give you what you want.”

They both knew who he was referring to. Another member of their group who had been trying to court Jade since he joined but Jade never gave him a chance.

Sheng Fei gave her a small, apologetic smile, then turned to leave, but Jade quickly reached out, grabbing his arm in desperation. Her voice trembled as she spoke, panic rising within her. "What are you talking about, Sheng Fei? Are you lying to me just so that I’ll stay away? When did you start liking someone? Who is it? When did it start?"

Her words came out in a rushed, frantic stream, her eyes wide with confusion and hurt. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. For so long, she had held onto the belief that Sheng Fei was going to be hers, that eventually, he would come to see her the same way she saw him. The idea that someone else had already claimed his heart was too much for her to bear.

Sheng Fei felt a flicker of irritation at her persistence, but he quickly pushed it down, reminding himself that Jade had been a part of his life for years. He cared about her, even if it wasn’t in the way she wanted. Still, he knew he needed to be firm.

“I'm not lying to you Jade.” He said, his voice steady but tinged with a warning, “The person I like is not just anyone. He's my mate.”

The words hung heavily in the air between them, and Jade’s grip on his arm loosened as she took a step back.

His mate...

Jade’s eyes filled with tears. She tried to hold them back but it was impossible. For years, she had loved him only to find out now that he had found his mate. She automatically knew she stood no chance.

“But why?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Why now?”

Sheng Fei let out a deep sigh. “It doesn’t matter why. What matters is that you need to stop thinking of me that way. And…” He hesitated for a moment, knowing the next words would hurt, but they needed to be said. “Please, don’t call me by my name anymore. We can’t be close like we used to be. Now that your feelings are involved, and I’ve found my mate… it’s best that we keep our distance.”

The finality of his words left no room for argument. Jade stood there, stunned and heartbroken.

Sheng Fei turned and walked away. He hated hurting her, but he knew it was necessary. His mate already didn't like him, and the last thing he wanted was to give any reason for further misunderstanding.

As much as it pained him to put this distance between himself and Jade, he had to prioritize his mate.

And so, with tears streaking down her face, Jade had no choice but to watch the Alpha she loved walk away.


The dungeon was a cold, oppressive space, its walls damp with moisture and rough with age. The air was thick with the smell of mildew and rot, the only sound a distant drip of water echoing from somewhere deep within the stone structure. Faint light filtered in through a small, barred window high on the far wall, casting long shadows across the floor, where patches of mold clung stubbornly to the stone.

The three spies from the Celestial Kingdom were chained to the walls, their wrists and ankles shackled with heavy iron chains that clinked ominously whenever they moved. The chains were old but strong, their weight forcing the captives into uncomfortable positions, leaving no room for rest.