So David So had actually came to see him.
" Good morning Mr Wong. " He greeted as he pulled our a chair to sit opposite David.
" Good morning ." David said as he watched the young man.
" Am..Why did you call for me ? " He asked not to waste time.
" Relax , I think the talk is going to be longer than I expected. " David spoke.
" Do we have something important to discuss ? " Herman asked more confused.
" Of course. " David replied.
Coffee was served to them by one of the waitresses of the cafeteria.
" So what is it ? " Herman asked.
" It's about Alyssa . " David started." I want to know the relationship between you two. " He continued.
Herman chuckled. " She's just my friend after you stopped her from working with me. " That's all Herman could say.
" Do you think that I will just believe that ? " David asked
" Why don't you ask Alyssa herself then ? " Herman asked.
" I asked her. But she says the same. "
" Don't you trust your wife ? " Herman asked.
" That's why I came to talk to you. I would really want to know the real Alyssa so that I can fully trust her. " David said.
" Alyssa is this kind of person who doesn't explain herself. If you trust her or not , She won't care about that but all she will care about is that she's telling the truth. " Herman said.
" I see you know a lot about her. Anyway I want to ask you something . " David said.
" Ask ! "
" Have you have seen Alyssa as a woman ? " David asked.
Herman pressed his lips into a thin line before answering David. " May I know why you are asking this ? " He asked back.
" I just want to know what feel towards her. " David said.
" And what will help ? Will you stop me if I do ? " Herman asked.
" Exactly that ! " David declared.
Herman chuckled in disbelief. " So you came all the way to tell me this . "
" Yes. I hope I have said enough. I don't care if you like her or not , But she's my wife now. Respect me for that and stay away from her. " David said.
" I've already tried to do so. And we are very many people who like Alyssa , So stopping me won't help . " Herman said.
" What are you trying to mean ? " David asked.
" Mr Wong , You are old enough to understand. " Herman said.
" ,Do you mean that there's someone else who likes Alyssa ? " David asked.
" I said a lot of people like her. " Herman said and got up from the seat. " Just pray that she is not in love with the wrongest person. " Herman spoke and said. " I think our business is over , I will go now. " He said and left not waiting for David to add something.
David was amused by this man. No one has ever talked to him like this before. How would Herman be so free and open to him like that, Didn't he have some fear at all.
" He's just like Alyssa. " David complemented.
One of his men who had come with him came. He had been standing a distance away.
" We are heading back home. " David told the man and got up to leave .
When Herman left the cafeteria he went back to his office. He walked to the shelf which had one of his photo frames with Alyssa. He got one and looked at it as he touched Alyssa's face.
" Aly , It's been some time ever since we talked. I hope you are doing fine. I don't Know why your phone is always off whenever I call but I just wish that it's for a good reason. ..Things are becoming tougher than I expected and I wonder how you are going to live with a father and a son who both like you. It's really going to be hard for you. " Herman said all these words while he caressed her face from the photo. He then put it down and put back the focus on work.
Wong's Mansion.
When David was also home , He walked to his study room. On his desk was a photo of him with Calcel. Another photo had him, Calcel , Clere and Juliana, Another one had Clere and Calcel alone . Looking at the photos , He got the one that had Calcel and Clere and looked at it lovingly.
" Miss you my little daughter. " He said looking at Clere and then put the focus on Calcel.
" Son , I have been watching you ever since the day you were born. I always made sure that you get all that you neeed and I am sure I have never disappointed you. " David said and sighed.
" But this time , I think am likely to do something that is found to hurt you. I know I had promised that I would never fall in love with any other woman apart from your mother. Even when I married Alyssa , I thought that I would never have feelings for her because she's very younger than I am. And I thought that I would regard her as my daughter. But dear , I really don't know but I think I have stated to like her , And I don't think that there will be away to avoid this. So , I hope that , The day you will find out this , I hope you will understand and forgive me. " He said nonchalantly.
" Sorry my son ! " He said and then put the photo back on the desk. He then got the one that had the two of them with Clere and Juliana and looked at Juliana.
" Juliana , Why did you really have to do this. Sometimes I wish that time would go back then I wouldn't have allowed you to go , Otherwise I wouldn't be into this right now. We would be living happily together but see now , I've been tempted to like another woman . And I am worried that this is going to hurt our children , Even the woman that I like herself. " He said and then put the photo in the drawer.
He walked back to the living room which was of course decorated with his wedding photos and Alyssa. He got one of them and looked at Alyssa critically.
" How can this little thing steal my heart ? " He asked himself innery looking at Alyssa's cute smile in the photo.