Chapter 62: Compensation.

Cynthia followed May through the direction she had left from till she caught up with her.

" May ? " Cynthia called to stop May who was walking fast.

May stopped walking and turned to look at her mother. " What now ? "

" Why did you have to run away ? " Cynthia wanted to know.

" Mom , Didn't you hear whatever he said ? " May squealed.

" I did , But that won't stop you two from getting engaged. " Cynthia talked.

" What are you going to do now ? " May asked.

Cynthia looked at her daughter solemnly and walked to her. She gave her a hug and said.

" Mr Wong already made a promise to me. Let's leave everything in his hands , I am sure he will convince Calcel. "

May hearing this hugged her mother tighter. She didn't know whatever David had talked with Cynthia but she trusted her mother.
