Chapter 90: The picnic ( 3 )

Clere span again. This time it was between Alyssa and Calcel.

" Wow , Aunty and Calcel. " Clare said with a clap.

Calcel was the one to ask. He looked at her and he could see she wasn't comfortable .

" Truth or Dare ? " He asked .

" Truth.. " She answered.

":Aunty you can't do truth twice. It has to be a dare. " Clare reminded.

" A dare ? " She asked with her eyes widely open..

" Yes. Bro give her a dare . " Clare added.

" I can't do anything. I will quite the game. " Alyssa said and stood up to leave when David stopped her by his words.

" You can't quite the game until it's done. " He said.

" Buh sir , I am..." She was trying to explain with Clare added. " Aunty come on ! "

" Huh.." She sighed and sat back.

" Bro , Go ahead. " Clare said to Calcel.

" Anything ? " Calcel asked Clare.

" Sure . " They all said.

Calcel looked back at Alyssa and then said.

" I dare you to say that you love me. " He said which surprised everyone.