" Where did you spend the night ? " May asked.
" I went to visit a friend. " He said.
" A friend? Yet you told Jenny that you were busy at work ? " She asked.
" Then why are you asking if you know that I was here ? "
" Because you decieved her. Ronny said you were not here. " She yelled.
" Then believe me . I was at a friend's house. " He said.
" Hoe could you sleep over at a friend's house ? Don't you know we are married ? "
" I know we are. You don't have to remind me that you are my wife. I am very aware about that. " He said.
May calmed down and sat down but she was still angry.
" Which friend did you go to see ? " She asked.
" That is personal. " He said
May got pissed again and got.
" Calcel....I am fed up of this ! " She raised her voice.
" We are married but you have never treated me like a wife ! " She said still in a high tone.
Calcel got up banging his desk.