Chapter 115: My daughter !

After hugging, Marvis sat down such that they could talk.

" Marvis, Hiding is now useless. I am going back to my mother. " Alyssa declared.

" Going back ? Are you planning to leave me now ? "

" I have to. "

" No Alyssa, You can't just leave me like that. You are the only friend that I had here. " Marvis spoke her eyes turning wet.

" Marvis, You don't have worry. Once I go, I will be coming to pay you visits. " Alyssa said.

" Why does everyone one who I get close with leave me ? " She asked and left Alyssa's room but Alyssa could add anything.

Alyssa stayed their stuck. " Did I say anything bad ? " She wondered.

She decided to go to her room and packed her bags. After she went to meet Doctor Thomas from his Office.

The Doctor was there and she was glad he wasn't busy.

" Good afternoon Doctor.." Alyssa greeted

" Good afternoon Alyssa. Have a seat ! "