Chapter 118: The accident.

May told him the same place but different time. What was she up to ?


After nursing Alyssa's hands, Marvis sat back in the sofa and said.

" I am really sorry about this.I should have been more careful. " Marvis muttered.

" It's alright. My hands will be fine. " Alyssa said and got up.

" May called me for lunch. I should get prepared to go there. " Alyssasaid going to her room.

" Do you mind me helping in anything? " Marvis asked following her from behind.

" Maybe picking up a dressfor me. " They entered the room.

Alyssa opened her walk in wardrobe making Marvis drop her jaws.

" Alyssa, You mean all theseare your clothes ? " Marvis asked.

" Yes. " Alyssa answered giving a soft smile.

" Indeed ypu needed me to picka dress for you. " She said walking in and one dress caught her attention.

It was the white off shoulder bubble dress that David bpught for Alyssa the day he took her out.

" This ! " Marvis pointed at it.