" But I can't believe that she fooled us and stayed to see Calcel. " David said in whammy.
May was still crying while she listened to him and he suddenly got up.
" where is that stupid son of mine ? " He asked in a raised tone folding his hands into fists as if he wanted to kill him.
" Father, You can't meet him right now. " May said stepping before David.
" Let me see him and punish him for your sake. " David spoke to May looking truly angry.
" Calcel just lost his bany with Alyssa and Alyssa is very ill at the hospital . So you can't see him.." May declared in tears shocking David again.
" Did you say a baby ? " David asked.
" Yes. Alyssa was carrying Calcel's child but unfortunately she got an accident.." May gave more information.
David's knees felt weak at thjs point that he just sat back in the sofa in both shock and surprise.
May sat back and held David's hands while she poured crocodile tears.
" Father, He needs some time alone now. " May protested.