Chapter 130: If you want.

Alyssa was then taken home with Robert the following day. Matt had refused to go and pick her up with Robert but Robert didn't mind.

Robert was just a cub driver and he lived in a small house with his wife Matt. Matt spent and collected most of the money Robert worked for but because he was blinded by her love he cared less.

In most cases Marvis and Matt quarreled and Robert always took Matt's side. Marvis hated her so much and like wise was Matt.

When Marvis had left after her pregnancy, Matt was very happy but now after everything that had happened, Robert promised to take in and take care of his daughter. Little did they know that their daughter was already dead and the one they are bringing in today is a very different person.

Alyssa arrived with Robert in his cub. Matt who was seeing them from the window moved away in anger on seeing them and sat .

" Oh my God! I never imagined that this rascal would come back here. " Sneered Matt.

She switched the tv