Chapter 132: I do. It's nice.

Calcel and May were seen off by David to their Christmas picnic.

They both sat on the front seats since Calcel wss going to drive himself.

They drove off to their place of reservation. David had made for them a booking from Emerald Island Hotel and it took over two hours for them to reach there.

They got onto the boat to the Hotel and after there were they a group of workers welcomed them.

" Welcome to Emerald Hotel Mr and Mrs Wong. I am Regina the hostess in charge of you. " The middle aged woman said on seeing them.

" Thanks. I am...Where is our room ? " Calcel asked with a thin smile.

" This way please. " Regina said and led them.

She was in a white shirt turked in a red high waist body hug skirt long to below her knees with the black stilettos. That was the uniform workers in that hotel wore.

It was not a very tall building but it was large and stood at that small Island. It's surrounding by the sea was just a beautuful scene plus the green around around it.