Everyone else clapped after hearing Alyssa's speech.
" Okay silence everyone ! " The female judge said again.
" You are Marvis right ? " She asked.
" Yes Ma'am .." Alyssa answered with a low bow.
" I love your explanation. However, That is not makeup that someone can apply and walk with. So...can you do something else different from that ? " She asked.
" Ma'am, I only put this makeup to show you the intentions. But If you give me a chance, I will show you. The kind of makeup that I can do. " She answered.
" That is good. We are giving you 10 minutes. " Said the judge.
" Thanks Ma'am. " Alyssa said and then left.
" Next !! " The judge called as Alyssa walked off.
Alyssa sighed when she was in the changing room. She got wipes and begun removing the makeup when the other girls came.
" You are good. We didn't know that you would have such a good presentation. " The first one begun standing besides her as she also wiped off her makeup.