Chapter 149: You are not the only who tried.

He said to them and ran to May's direction.

Alyssa in embarrassment also bowed before everyone making sure that Gladys didn't see her face and after this she walked away as her legs could take.

Everyone paved a way for her as she walked with all eyes on her. But she didn't lift her head so they couldn't see her face clearly.

Gladys was about to follow when Jenny came to her and now everyone went back to their business.

" Mrs Gladys..." Jenny said with a smile.

" Ms Jenny..." Gladys responded.

" We apologize for that awful scene but you was an accident. What took you long ? You almost missed the party . " Jenny said since the party was really coming to it's end.

" And So sorry Ms Jenny. You know I have taken long without moving to such places and parties, really took me time to get set. " Gladys answered.

" Come with me . There's still something to enjoy . " Jenny spoke and went with Gladys.