Gladys got a cub to Hopkinsville media. When she reached the main entry door, The two guards who were standing there stopped her.
" Ms, Are you part of this company ? " They asked.
" No Sir. I just wanted to meet someone there." She said calmly.
" Do you have any appointment ? " The other one questioned.
" No Sir.."
" We are sorry Madam. You can't enter unless you have an appointment. " They said.
" But Sir.."
" No Ma'am. Please leave ! "
Just like that Gladys walked away. She sighed wondering if her suspicions were wrong.
Alyssa was inside and she wondered how she was going to settle this.
" Don't you know about her ? " Camilla asked.
" The truth she was a friend of me before I lost my memory. But I don't remember anything at all. " Alyssa responded.
" You know what Marvis, You need to talk to someone who knew you very well before the accident. And that person is your father..." Camilla suggested.