Chapter 185: I am truly marrying Marvis

" Sir, There are reporters outside demanding to talk to you ! " He declared.

" Reporters ? " Calcel found himself getting up from the seat..

" Yes. "

" What is it ? I didn't make any appointment . " He wondered.

" I think its about the video that leaked . " Ronnie said.

" Which video ? " Calcel asked.

" You mean you haven't seen it ? " Ronnie inguired with a frown.

" Hurry up and show me ! " Calcel yelled coldly and Ronnie quickly put the phone on and played the video.

Calcel got Ronnie's phone and watched it.

Derrick kneeling before Marvis and asking her for marriage. Calcel recalled him and remembered that Marvis told him that he was her ex boyfriend. Then after it played the second video when Marvis is saying that she is getting married to Calcel.

" When did this happen ? " Calcel asked furiously while he gave Ronnie back his phone.

" It was posted yesterday. "

Calcel sat back in his office chair in confusion.