Chapter 188: Fight for your justice

" Why haven't you reported ? " Camilla asked.

" I am sorry. I don't think that I can come today. " She answered.

"Marvis, I understand what you are going through. But you can't take business for granted. You have to come and do the shooting. " Camilla said.

" Everyone hates me now. Who will like what I am doing ? " Alyssa asked solemnly.

" So what now ? You think that hiding will solve anything ? " Camilla asked.

" I am sorry Camilla. I just want to be alone for today. " Alyssa said and ended the call while Camilla was still talking.

She chuckled in disbelief and then went to Mr Hopkinsville office.

" Sir, I have reached her but she refused to come.." Camilla reported.

" Let's leave her for today. If she doesn't come tomorrow I will terminate her contract.." Mr Hopkinsville swore.


When Calcel arrived at the company that morning there were many reporters waiting to hear from him bit this time round he sent guards to send them a way.