" Call the ambulance ! "
" What's that's sound ? " Gladys heart skipped a beat when they also heard the boom sound.
" Let's go check ! " Robert said and they all followed.
" Come and help, He has been shot.." the women were still struggling with Calcel who was now unconscious.
Gladys stepped forward in shock. She covered her mouth on seeing blood coming from Calcel.
Thomas came forward and checked.
" He has been shot on the shoulder so he will be fine. Don't worry. " Thomas said to them as he put a handkerchief to reduce the bleeding
Gladys stood up and looked at May who was in the hands of the two men.
" May, See what you have done ? " Gladya cried.
" Don't worry we already called the police and the ambulance. " The woman said.
" And what happened to my daughter ? " Gladys asked.
" She just fell unconscious but I don't think that she has been shot. " Said the woman.
" Did you just call her your daughter ? " May asked in disbelief.