Shot Puno


"Congrats, guys!"

"You were amazing, IDOL!"

"I love you, Streetwear!"

As soon as Link and friends stepped out of the gate, we were immediately greeted by their Fangirls. It was as if they were celebrities, being swarmed by girls earlier at the court just to take selfies. Well, the charisma of talented basketball players is truly something else.

I smiled as I watched them happily teasing and congratulating each other. I hope they stay like this forever. You know, the kind of friendship where even if they have their own families, they still act like lovebirds, even if they're just bros.

Earlier, while they were changing their t-shirts, they thanked me for supporting them. I didn't just put Link's name on the cardboard, I also included "Go Senior High!" I didn't want Prof to think that I only supported Link.

I looked at the cardboard I was holding and let out a sigh. I'll just keep it as a memento of the intramurals.

"Shit, I thought Outhrow Savage was going to lose for the first time because of the huge lead Grade Nine had in the third quarter," I heard John-john say.

"Yeah, but it was really the last quarter that impressed me," Russell said with a smile, glancing at me. Ugh, what it is?

"I truly believe that love can make a person win," he added.

My friends looked at me and smiled mischievously. I just lowered my head and hid my blushing face. Shocks! Now they're thinking that I have feelings for Link because of what I did.

"Hey, guys. Stop teasing Angelle, she's getting embarrassed," Prof scolded them.

"Stop staring at her, or I'll gouge your eyes out," I raised my head and looked to the side where I saw Link walking beside me.

My friends averted their gaze and secretly giggled. What's wrong with them? Can't a friend make an effort?

"Just friends, huh?"

Ugh, what's wrong with my mind? Why does it feel like it's teasing me? I should kick these thoughts out.

I looked at the path we were walking on and swallowed. Then I glanced at my trembling hand and felt my heart racing again. Damn this feeling!

No one spoke, and we just silently felt ourselves. I could sense the strange nervousness in my chest and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Even if I deny it to myself, I know that this is a sign that I'm in love. AND THAT'S TERRIBLE!

"How are you?" he broke the silence between us.

Should I speak?

"Ah, I-I'm okay. H-how about you?" Dammit.

He smiled and put his hands in the pockets of his pants. Before we went home, they took a shower and changed because they were all sweaty and didn't want us to smell their sweat.

"Same," he replied briefly and looked at me. "Anyway, thanks for your effort. Aren't you hoarse?" he asked.

He had to remind me of the foolishness I did, ugh. Who came up with the idea for me to shout and imitate Athena in cheering for Kenji?

"N-no, I'm not," I nodded and looked at the cardboard I was holding.

"Can I have that?" he asked, and I looked at what I was holding, trembling as I handed it to him.

"Sure, it's yours now," I said, handing it over. He accepted the cardboard and smiled.

Why so sexy? asdfg@#$% Why did I think his smile was sexy? Always remember, Angelle, you hate his smile!


"Why does it seem like you're afraid to look at me?" I didn't immediately respond to his question.

He's still asking? Doesn't he notice that I'm not comfortable being around him? This feeling is just awkward for me.

"Aren't you comfortable being with me?"

"N-no!" I answered, forcing a smile.

"Sorry for shouting at you," I let out a sigh and tried to calm myself down.

"It's okay, I also have a fault in our little argument because I reacted suddenly," he looked into the distance and smiled subtly.

"I'm happy that we're okay now," I looked at him as we walked.

"M-me too- oh no!" I didn't even finish what I was saying when I suddenly knelt down on the ground because of a stone blocking the way.

I closed my eyes tightly and held onto a nearby rock for support. Dang it! My knee hurts, huhu. There goes the stone, unnoticed because of my clumsiness.

"Angelle, are you okay?" Link asked, concerned, as he helped me up.

Our friends approached and looked at my bleeding knee, shit.

"What did you do, Cous?" Ate Jove asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I- I bumped into- ouch!" I didn't even finish my sentence when Lica poured alcohol on my knee.

I closed my eyes and held onto Link's arm tightly. What was she thinking, pouring alcohol on me?!

"Lica, why did you pour alcohol on your sister's knee?" Ate Jove asked in annoyance, as Lica returned the bottle of alcohol to her bag.

She's in trouble later, she knows that she'll see me cry over a simple wound, and she wants to show our friends how I cry. Dang her!

I looked at Link, and he could see that I was about to cry. So he held my hands.

"Hehe, maybe it will help to kill the germs," she said and smiled at me, as if saying 'it's all good'.

I remembered when he fell off his bike and got a big wound on his leg. Just like what he did, I poured alcohol on her, and now she's getting back at me.

"That stings!" Russell commented.

"Hey, are you okay now?" I was about to kick him, he's been asking me if I'm okay since earlier. How about him, being able to kneel on the ground?

I took a deep breath before loosening my grip on Link. I looked at them and smiled to let them know that I'm okay, even though deep inside my knee is in so much pain.

"I'll just have Mama take care of this," I said and started walking ahead.

I bit my lip as I took each step, limping as if I were injured. Maybe they're laughing at how I walk?

"Don't you want any help, Sistah?" Lica asked teasingly, which annoyed me.

"No need, I can handle myself," I replied.

Before I could even reach halfway, I was surprised when Link sat in front of me, blocking my path and furrowing my brows.

"Wh-what are you d-doing?" I asked, slightly peeking at him.

"Just ride on the back so you won't have a hard time walking," my eyes widened at what he said.

"N-no, I can manage," I said and continued walking.

"Sistah! You're being too picky!" Lica shouted.

Oh Lica! You've already done so many things to me, I'll definitely get back at you later. Shite!

"Yeah, Angelle. You'll have a hard time if you continue being picky!" Andre added.

I ignored them, I just really don't want to be carried. Besides, I'm wearing a skirt, they might see something!

I stopped walking when Link blocked my path and looked me in the eyes. This guy, he's even using eye contact on me. Okay fine! He has beautiful eyes, I'm jealous.

"Are you going to ride or should I carry you?" he threatened, raising an eyebrow, which made me raise one of mine in response to his threat.

"Excuse me? Are you threatening me?"

He smirked. "Kind of." I glared at him.

"I don't really need to be- AAAAH! LINK!"

I couldn't help but scream when he suddenly lifted me, which surprised me. I looked at the jacket wrapped around me and then glanced at Link, who smiled slightly.

This guy is so annoying, just like when we were in the jeep and he would always startle me. But I can't deny that this is better than struggling on my own.

I secretly smiled and buried my face in his neck, sighing. I don't care about them teasing me about Link, he's the one who presented himself.

"Just rest for a while," he whispered.

I didn't know if he was having a hard time, but I didn't pay attention to that. The embarrassment, I don't care about that either. I'm just happy.

"O-okay," I stuttered in response.

I can feel it, every time he's by my side, I know I'm safe and he'll protect me even if we're not together.



Papa arrived early from Makati, where he works, and he brought us some gifts, which he always does when he comes home.

We're in the living room, and Lica and Papa are telling stories about what happened in their lives for the past week. Papa is an avid listener. They also talked about their defeat, but Lica didn't mention the part where she and Drex had a falling out. She knows that Papa would say, "Focus on your studies, you're still young," and she might even get scolded.

She's only sixteen, while I'll be turning eighteen on December 26.

"What about you, Angelle? How's your studies?" Papa asked, finishing with my siblings.

"Um... it's okay, Pa."

"Are you still in the top?"

"We don't know yet, Pa, but I can say yes," I replied.

Papa pulled us into a hug.

"Papa is proud of you, my children, so do your best in your studies because that's the only thing I can pass on to you." Papa said.

I saw Lica roll her eyes, so I laughed. Papa still says the same thing until now. I understand Papa because we're not rich, education is the only thing they can pass on to us.

When Mama finished cooking, she called us and we all ate together. Tomorrow night, Papa will leave again and go back to Makati for work, so we'll only have two days with him.

"Angelle, I heard you have a new suitor?"

I choked when Papa suddenly spoke up and asked that. Where did Papa get that rumor?


"Lica told me that you have a new suitor, what's his name again? L-lick?" Papa asked, and Lica couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah, yes. It's Link," Lica replied, still chuckling.

"Oh, yeah. Link, is that true? What about Isiah?" Papa asked, and I glared at Lica and rolled my eyes before facing Papa.

"About Link, Papa, he's not courting me, we're just friends. And as for Isiah, we're still okay, he's just busy with his studies," I answered, and Papa nodded, chewing his food.

Damn Lica! She's spreading rumors, and she can't even get the names right. Should I kick her?

"Choose a man who won't hurt you and will love you for a lifetime, like me and how I love your Mama," Papa said, making us giggle, while Mama blushed deep inside.

"Sheesh, Pa. You can't immediately say that the person you love now is the one you'll be with forever," I grinned and took a bite of my food.

Papa shook his head. "You'll know, because your heart will make you feel it."

"Well, Papa. That's why when I saw my crush, my heart skipped a beat!" Hero exclaimed, amazed, while holding his left chest.

We laughed because of Hero. "My youngest is falling in love!" Papa said.

"Duh, that's unfair!" Lica retorted, accompanied by an eye roll.

Sheesh, of course Papa is more cautious when it comes to Hero, who is a boy, while Lica is a girl.

After we finished eating, Papa went to the living room and instructed Lica to buy Empe. Papa only drinks occasionally when he feels like it, and now he must have missed drinking, that's why he gave the order. Mama doesn't prohibit Papa from drinking because he knows how to control himself when he's drunk.

Papa and Mama were in the living room, chatting while Papa drank alone. Meanwhile, I was in the dining area, scrolling through Facebook. It's boring when there's no school, no packed lunch, and nothing to do.

Someone messaged me on Messenger, and I found out it was Isiah.

Isiah Nathaniel: How are you?

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: I'm fine, how about you?

Isiah Nathaniel: Same, sorry if I can't come there. I just have a lot of things to do.

I chuckled at his reply, he must be tired. That's why he seems so sad. That's just based on his reply.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Why sad?

Isiah Nathaniel: I miss you.

I smiled and let out a sigh. I'm sorry, Isiah. I miss you too, but that's as far as it goes.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Miss you too, Isiah.

Isiah Nathaniel: I need to log out, Angelle. I still have things to do.

While waiting for Isiah's reply, I peeled the banana from the fruit tray and took a bite.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Okay. Anyway, do take care of yourself, make sure you're not neglecting yourself.

Isiah Nathaniel: No, I'm still the guy you know.

I smiled softly.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Oh, yeah. Break a leg, Isiah. Bye!

After saying goodbye, I turned off my phone and finished eating my banana. I paused when I remembered the chat Katherine had with me. I forgot to ask Isiah about the chat Katherine had with me. I was busy eating when Jr rushed to the dining room and smiled at me like an idiot.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked with a smirk, as he looked a bit effeminate with his smile.

"Your handsome Prince is waiting for you outside," he said in English.

"Who's the Prince?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Come on, who else but Kuya Link," she replied, rolling her eyes. I glared at her and stood up, bringing Link outside.

As I stepped out, I found him standing by the gate, talking on his cellphone.

"Link," I called out to him, causing him to look at me. "What brings you here?" I asked as I approached him.

He quickly hid his cellphone in his pocket and faced me. I glanced at the pink tupperware he was holding and then looked back at him.

"Ah, are you done eating?" I nodded. "Prof asked me to give this to you, she cooked too much." He added, handing me the tupperware, which I accepted.

Ah, so they only give us food when there's an excess, char.

"Thanks, by the way," I said with a smile.

"Angelle, let your visitor in. That's what your Papa said," Mama said, making me turn my head towards our door where Mama was standing.

"Hehe, Mama. Link is leaving anyway, right Link?" I said, facing Link and giving him a "just ride along" look.

He smiled. "It's okay if I stay a bit longer," I groaned inwardly and gave him a glare, but he just smiled back at me.

Urgh. Lica probably told Papa that Link is here, and now Papa wants to talk to him. LICA, YOU'RE SUCH A THORN IN MY LIFE!

"Oh, so he can stay longer," Mama said, approaching Link and pulling him inside the house.

I just shook my head and followed them inside. Once we were inside, Papa smiled at Link, who returned the smile. Papa then gestured for Link to sit on the mini-couch to his right.

"How are you, Link?" Papa asked, pouring some alcohol into his small glass.

"I'm okay, sir," Link replied, glancing at me and smiling.

Isn't he afraid of Papa?

I sat next to Mama, who gave me a mischievous smile. Are they planning to talk to Link about his supposed courtship?

"What grade are you in, son?" Papa asked again, looking at Link.

"Same as Angelle, sir."

"So, you're classmates with Angelle?"

"No, sir. I'm taking ICT, while Angelle is in the GAS strand." Papa nodded in understanding.

"Would you mind joining me for a drink?"

My eyes widened at Papa's question to Link. I know he doesn't drink because his sister doesn't allow him to.

"I-I can't drink, sir..." Link replied with a smile, looking at me. "But I won't refuse if it's you who's inviting me."

Papa smiled and handed Link a glass of alcohol, which he accepted with caution.

"Pa! Link is still young," I scolded Papa.

"How old are you, son?" Papa ignored my complaint and asked Link.

"I'm eighteen, sir," he replied, sniffing the alcohol in the glass.

"Oh, Link is not a child anymore. Angelle, let him try drinking, even just once," Papa said.

"He might get drunk, Pa!"

"Don't worry, Angelle. I can handle myself," tch! Handle himself?

"Up to you!" I said in annoyance, standing up and going upstairs.

Once I reached the second floor, I didn't go inside my room. Instead, I sat on the floor near the stairs to listen to Papa and Link's conversation. I was sure Papa would ask Link something.

"Son, can I ask you something?" I heard Papa say to Link.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you courting Angelle?"

I couldn't help but close my eyes at Papa's question to Link. I knew it.

"Um, not yet... because I wanted to ask for your permission first."

I swallowed hard at his answer and bit my nail. Did he really mean his courtship?

"It's okay with me if someone is courting my daughter, I just want her to never forget her studies."

"We already know that, uncle. It's one of our priorities." Tch! Uncle?

"I believe I can trust you with Angelle, you seem like a good person, just like what Inday told us." Mama gossiping about Papa too?!

"If it's okay with you, may I court Angelle?"

I he

ld my breath and waited for Papa's answer. Among all the suitors I've had, Link is the first guy who faced Papa to ask for his permission.

"Yes, of course,"

I didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed at Papa's answer. I held onto my chest and smiled. I'm happy because Link's request was successful, and he didn't receive a sermon.