

I slumped my shoulders in frustration as the ball once again missed the hoop. We had been here in the covered court for an hour, but I still couldn't make a single shot. Link tried to teach me, even though he was exhausted from his practice. He has been tired for the past two weeks due to intense training, but he didn't mind. I was even thinking of giving up, but he insisted. This was our bonding time since he was always busy as a player.

"You're giving up already after just a few tries?" he asked while holding the ball and smiling near the hoop.

"A few tries? I've already tried 10 times, and I still can't make a shot!" I pouted and sat down on the ground.

He took a deep breath and approached me. He pulled me up and handed me the ball, which I reluctantly accepted.

"Do you know why you can't make the shot?" he asked.

"Do I look like I know? If I knew, I would have fixed it already," I sarcastically replied. He smiled and messed up my hair before going behind me.

"If you truly want something, never give up, no matter how hard it seems," he said. "When you're playing, concentrate on the game, not on the things around you." He added, moving his hand to hold mine and position it correctly.

"Your right hand will generate the force to throw the ball towards the hoop, but it should be based on the force you will exert. And your left hand will provide support," he continued.

"Like this?" I asked while adjusting my hand position.

"Yeah. Aim it towards the board so it goes into the hoop," he said.

I nodded and tried the technique he taught me. The ball hit the board but bounced off the rim, making me frown.

"Balance your force, Angelle. Don't be too strong when you're close to the hoop," he reminded me as he passed the ball back to me.

I dribbled the ball again before attempting to shoot. I timed the force just right. It hit the board, causing a sigh of relief. I jumped in excitement as I finally made a shot for the first time.

"Nice!" Link complimented, clapping his hands. I turned to him and smiled widely. "One more try?" he asked.

I shook my head. "That's enough for now. You should take a rest," I said, walking closer to him.

"But I can still go on," he insisted.

"I'm tired too. You can teach me again once your tournament is over," I suggested.

"After the tournament, I'll be busy again because I'll be competing in the SCIENCE event," I stopped wiping my sweat and furrowed my brow.

So, he's going to be busy again?

"Does that mean you won't have time?" I asked, continuing to wipe my sweat.

I felt like a girlfriend sulking because I'd be losing time with him and his friends again.

"Not really. I'll still manage my time for preparation and for all of you," he said, wiping his sweat as well.

"Are you neglecting yourself?" I asked.

"No," he replied briefly.

I put my handkerchief back into my bag and applied some powder. When we finished getting ourselves ready, I asked him to go home, and there was a silence between us.

"Are you upset?" he asked while we were riding a tricycle.

"Why would I be upset?" I let out a soft sigh.

"You know, Angelle, I know you well. We've known each other for a few months, and I can tell if you're upset or angry."

I looked at him and gave him a stern look. "So, you already know, huh? Why bother asking?"

"I just wanted to confirm," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him.

I was upset because we rarely got the chance to be together, and now he's joining the SCIENCE event. I know that it involves grades, but should he neglect himself? He could have contributed to the event in a different way, like providing goods to their representative. But he insisted on being the representative himself. They have a match against Maxine High on Thursday, and in the following days, he would also do some merchandise gathering to reach their goal of collecting 1000 plastic bottles.

He got off right in front of our house. He offered to pay, which I didn't refuse. I didn't have any change, but I would pay him back at school tomorrow.

"I'm going inside," I said, about to go in when he started speaking.

"Angelle, please don't get upset just because I don't have much time for you. I just need to prove something." I didn't react to what he said.

"It doesn't matter to me if you don't have time for us. Just don't neglect yourself, especially with your allergies and asthma," I said, then went inside without looking back at him.

"Ate!" Hero greeted me happily as soon as I entered the house. I smiled at him.

"Happy, huh. What's going on?" I asked.

"I need ten pesos, I just want to play some video games." I facepalmed at what he said.

So that's why he was being sweet, just to ask for ten pesos. It's frustrating dealing with people like this. They'll only be affectionate when they need something from you!

I let out a sigh and took some money from my wallet, handing it to my younger brother. Before I could even hear a "thank you," he already ran off. Tch!

"There you are, Angelle," Mama said as she came out of the kitchen.

"Yes, Mama," I replied.

"There's food in the kitchen. Do you want to eat now?"

"I'll eat later, I'll change first." Mama nodded.

I went up to my room and changed into my comfortable clothes. I also plugged in my cell phone, which was low on battery from playing music.

Once I finished changing, I went back downstairs and served myself some food. I was getting hungry, and Link and I didn't invite each other to eat together because of the somewhat tense atmosphere between us due to his "lack of time" that I'm sulking about.

While I was eating, out of nowhere, Lica appeared with her phone in hand. She went straight to the fridge to get a Choco drink and sat in the chair opposite me.

"Hey, Sistah," she greeted, taking a sip of her Choco drink.

"Who's the representative for your section in the Science event?" I asked Lica.

"We still have one week to decide on a representative," she replied. "How about your section?"

"It's Ernest for the boys and Valiant for the girls."

"Oh, Kuya Ernest? The tall handsome guy?" I nodded.

"Wow! I'm sure a lot of girls will be swooning over him," she commented.

"Tch! And Link is also joining," Lica raised an eyebrow at what I said.



"After the tournament, he'll be busy again with the Science event," I said, taking a bite of my food.

"Sounds like Kuya Link wants to try everything," she commented.

"What for?" she asked.

"Am I Link? I don't know," I replied sarcastically.

"Geez, you're still sulking. But you're not his girlfriend to be sulking," Lica teased.

"Can you just stop? I'm concerned about his health," I said, giving her a stern look.

"Ohh, she's concerned!" she teased.

"Cut it out! I'm concerned because he's my friend!" I retorted.

"Oh, really? Just a friend?" Lica smirked mischievously.

"What do you think?"

"Well, you're acting like a girlfriend who's sulking. Then you just say you're just friends," she remarked.

I averted my gaze from her comment. Can't I just genuinely be concerned for him? No love attached.

After finishing my meal, I left my annoying sister, who knows nothing but annoy and tease me about Link. What's the big deal if I'm concerned about him?

I was browsing through Facebook when Paps Justine messaged me.

Paps Just: How are you and the gang doing there, Angelle?

Yey! After a long time, Paps finally reached out. He hasn't been going to school for a couple of weeks now. Prof told me that Paps went back to the province and asked for permission from the school. But it's been a month already, and he still hasn't returned. He'll have a hard time catching up with the lessons. It's really difficult to catch up.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: We're fine, Paps. How about you? When will you come back?

After a moment, he replied immediately.

Paps Just: I might transfer here.


Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Why?

Paps Just: Grandma wants me to stay here to be with them.


Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Does Prof know about this?

Paps Just: Not yet. Mama and I are still thinking about it. But how are you and Link? I heard you agreed to his courtship?

I raised an eyebrow. Did they mention it to Paps too? Men can spread gossip more than women.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: We're doing fine.

Paps Just: Ayie, take care of Link, okay?

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Haha, I should be the one taken care of, not the other way around.

Is it my responsibility to take care of Link? Is he my husband or something?

Paps Just: Stay strong, you guys.

Angelle Renzlyn Musco: Thanks, Paps.

I smiled as I sent my reply, but when I read it again, my eyes widened as I realized how Paps might interpret my message.

I quickly composed a follow-up message to Paps, but he went offline, which made me panic. Oh my god! What if Paps screenshotted it and sent it to Link?!

I angrily threw my phone and covered my face with a pillow. What would Link think about that? That he already has a chance with me? Well, he already did have a chance. I hope Paps won't do what I'm thinking, but knowing Paps? He was one of the people who sent our picture in the jeep to the group chat.

"Hey, Sistah. What's wrong with you?" Lica asked, but I didn't even look at her.

"It's none of your business," I heard her scoff.

"You were all excited, but turns out there's nothing. Just crazy!" she retorted.

I heard her footfalls walking away, so I settled myself on my bed. I can be so dramatic from any angle.

I sighed and got up, heading to the living room to watch a movie. I found Mama and Lica talking in the living room while watching "Juha's Secret." I sat down next to Mama and grabbed a cookie she had baked.

"Just going shopping with Drex, Ma. It's for our grades," Lica said to Mama, who was focused on the TV.

"Don't be stubborn, Lica. Maybe you're just going on a date with Drex, you know your dad still doesn't allow you to have a boyfriend." Lica pouted at Mama's remark, and I gave her a side-eye, which she returned with a glare.

"But Sistah was allowed already. It's unfair!" Lica complained, earning a stern look from Mama. I looked at Lica and gave her a playful smirk.

"But you're turning eighteen, while you're only sixteen," I chimed in, taking a bite of my cookie.

"I'm mature too," she insisted.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow and continued munching on my cookie.

"We're saying all of this for your sake too, focus on your studies," Mama said.

"It's for our grades, Mama! Drex and I aren't going on a date, really," Lica insisted.

"Okay, bring Drex here then. I want him to personally ask permission. Maybe you're just saying that you're going to buy ingredients, but in reality, you're going to hang out with your classmates," Mama responded.

Lica didn't say anything, visibly annoyed, before snatching her cell phone and making a call. Mama and I looked at her curiously as she put her call on speakerphone.

"Hello, Angelica."

"Drex, Mama doesn't believe that we're just going to buy ingredients on Saturday. Talk to her," Lica said and handed the cell phone to Mama, who accepted it.

"Hello, Drex."

"Hello, Tita."

"Is it true what Lica said about you two going out on Saturday to buy ingredients?"

"Yes, Tita. We need them for our T.L.E. class, we're going to cook," Drex replied. Mama looked at Lica, who just gave her "so what" look.

"Oh, alright, I'll agree as long as you have your sister Angelle with you," I slightly gaped and looked at Mama.

"Sure, Tita."

After Mama finished talking to Drex, I faced Mama with a frown on my forehead.

"I don't want to go with them, Mama," I complained.

"Go with them," she insisted.

"But I have something to do."

"What is it?" Mama asked.

"I'm going to read, and it's my supposed rest day," I replied, pouting.

"Just go with them, they might go on a date," Mama retorted.

"You're exaggerating, Ma! We're not going on a date with Drex," Lica interjected.

"Oh, really? Since that's the case. Mom, besides Drex already mentioned that they're just going to buy ingredients," I said.

"Yeah, that's true. Ma, and you heard it from Drex himself that they're just going to shop," Lica added.

"Well, if that's the case, but it's still better for them to have a companion," Mama said.

Mama can be such an overprotective parent to us, dragging me into Lica and Drex's shopping trip.

"I'm not going with them, then," I pouted.

"Just bring Link with you," Mama said, I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want to!"

"Choose, either you go with Lica or you go with Link," Mama said, challenging me. I looked at Lica and she smirked at me.

"I'll go with them,"

"Well, that settles it," Mama said with a smile, hugging both Lica and me.

While we were watching a movie with Mama, my phone suddenly vibrated, indicating a message. I took it out from my pocket and checked the incoming message.

I let out a gasp upon seeing who it was from. Tch!

From: Link

Are you still sulking?

I adjusted my position and composed a reply to the idiot, but I ended up sending him a question mark instead.

I didn't receive a response, so I put my phone down and continued watching.

"Excuse me!"

We all stopped when someone called from outside.

"Let them in, there's someone outside," Mama instructed.

I stood up, still munching on my cookie. As I opened the door, I frowned upon not seeing Link standing outside the gate. What was he doing here?

"What do you want?" I asked sharply.

"Are you still sulking? I just wanted us to fix this," he replied.

"I'm not sulking," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Liar! If you're not sulking, you wouldn't be treating me like this," he retorted.

I sighed and looked at him with a smirk. "Let's fix this, I don't want us to be like this," he added.

I took a deep breath and opened the gate, facing him. "Speak up," I said.

"To resolve this, would you like me to back out of the Science event?" I choked at his question.

"I-I'm not asking you to back out, I'm just concerned about your health. You've been losing weight because of all the activities you've been participating in,"

He smiled. "I'm happy that you're concerned about me. I'm doing all of this just to have something to show you. I want you to be proud of me." I furrowed my brow.

"What? Your abs?" I weakly joked, making him chuckle.


"Oh, then what?"

He approached me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Every activity I participated in has grades attached to them. I'm trying my best to balance my studies and activities, so I can go up on stage and see you. I want you to be proud of me." He said with a smile.

I looked at him, speechless at his words, the reason why he joined almost all the activities. Because of me? But why me? I mean, yes, let's say he's courting me, but why me?

I bit my lower lip and met his gaze.

"You haven't gone up on stage yet, but I'm already proud of you," I said. That's true, the efforts he's showing me? It already makes me proud.

"I still want to see that on graduation day, to see your smile."

"You jerk!" I said, annoyed, and playfully hit him, which made him smile.

"Why?" he asked, confused.

"I'm blushing, aren't I?" I nodded in response. "Geez, you really are a liar," I glared at him.

"Don't deny it, you're blushing, right?" I shook my head in response. "Geez, you really are a liar." I glared at him.

"I'm not a liar, there are just moments where you need to be one to keep someone's ego in check." I smirked, and he moved closer to me, taking me by surprise. "Back off! We might be the subject of gossip here!" I said, annoyed, and looked around cautiously.

"Don't mind them, I love you, never forget that," he whispered before planting a kiss on my cheek, which surprised me.

He quickly backed away and waved, running off to escape th

e consequences of what he did. I was still in shock from the stolen kiss. And my heart? Well, it seemed like I might have a heart condition because of that guy.

I secretly smiled, remembering his words, and covered my face.

"I love you, never forget that."

I had hoped for this moment, and I should trust whatever the future holds.