Only one you


"Can you be my Chammak Challo?"

"Can you be my Chammak Challo?"

"Can you be my Chammak Challo?"

I let out a sigh as I held my head, which was starting to ache. I was so clueless about what Link said. I repeated it several times, but it was frustrating because I still couldn't understand what he meant. Was there really a meaning behind it? And how would I know if he used a different language? What language could it be?

I asked him what he meant, but he just smiled and said, "Answer my question once you know the question." So, it meant that there was a meaning to what he said and it was a question.

I let out another sigh and looked at my phone's screen. It was already 5 PM, but I was still waiting for him to call me. Before I left earlier to go home, he told me to charge my phone because he would call me. I didn't know what his game was, but I just went along with his craziness. And now, here I am, hoping that he would actually call me. He said before five, but five has already passed and he still hasn't called.

Suddenly, my phone rang, causing me to quickly grab it from the bed. When I saw the caller ID, I felt my energy drain. Now I know how it feels to wait for someone to call you. And to hope.

I answered John-john's call. Yeah, the Chooks-to-go delivery guy.


"Angelle, have you seen Link?" he asked, making me furrow my brow.

"Do I look like someone who goes around searching for lost people? I don't know," I replied.

"You seem in a bad mood, why?"

"Tch. Mind your own business."

"Ayyie. Alright then. Goodbye, I'll be the one to look for Link for you."

Seriously, this Chooks-to-go guy.


Before I could say anything else, he ended the call. How annoying!

I angrily threw my phone onto the bed and lay down, staring out of the open window. It was already dark outside, with only the streetlights providing some illumination.

What time was that jerk planning to call? How irritating. I won't answer his call.

"I'm falling in love, falling in love with you..."

It wasn't even halfway through the song, and I already answered the call without looking at the screen.


"Hello, Angelle."

I abruptly sat up on the bed, my eyes widening. Now I knew how it felt to wait for someone to call you. And to hope.

I answered her call.

"H-hello, Auntie."

Oh my god! Why did Auntie call me?

"How are you?"

"I'm okay, Auntie. How about you?"

Grr. Why do I feel like I'm not used to talking to Auntie?

"Good. Anyway, have you talked to Isiah?"

"Yes, Auntie. But it's been a while since our last conversation."


Auntie was calling to ask about Isiah's month-long absence from school.

"Um, Auntie, one of Isiah's classmates messaged me. They said he hasn't been attending school for a month."

Auntie didn't immediately respond. There was a ten-second silence before she spoke on the other end of the line.

"Angelle, you need to know his situation."

I furrowed my brow. What situation?

"What is it, Auntie?"

"Isaiah-" TOT! TOT!

I furrowed my brow as the call suddenly ended. What happened? I tried calling again, but his phone was off. I'm confused.

My phone rang again, and I hoped it was Auntie calling, but it wasn't.


"Sorry, it's the first time I could call. Wendell hid my phone."

"It's okay."

"Really? Why do you seem off?"

I let out a sigh and stood up. I walked over to the window and looked outside, where children were still playing.



"Let's say you're my best friend, and you're pursuing me. And you find out that someone else is pursuing me. What would your reaction be?"

"Is it your situation?"

"Yeah. I'm scared of Isiah's reaction. I'm afraid of losing our friendship. I love my friend," I said.

"If he really loves you, he will understand your decision and your feelings."

I bit my lower lip and hid my face in my palm.

"Who weighs more to you?" he asked, to which I didn't respond.

"I love Isiah because he's my friend. I love you... because you're the man I want."

"Then tell him the truth. Isiah is a good person, and I know he'll understand because he loves you."

When you love someone, would you understand them?

"Come out."

I removed my hand from my face and saw Link outside the gate, looking up at me. He gave me a sweet smile, which I reciprocated rather forcedly.

I put away my cell phone and went outside. When I stepped out, he greeted me with a smile and pulled me towards him.

I didn't know where he was taking me, but I just allowed him to lead. We ended up in front of Kuya Jun's computer shop, where I noticed a motorcycle parked. Kuya Jun came out and threw the keys to Link.

"Enjoy," he said with a smile, which I furrowed my brow at.

Link then got on the motorcycle and started it. He glanced at me and signaled for me to get on. Despite my confusion, I got on and placed my hands lightly on his shoulders, which made him chuckle.

"If you fall, my mom will probably curse me," he said, making me raise an eyebrow.

I was about to react to what he did, but I didn't get the chance as Link suddenly started the motorcycle. This caused me to grip tightly onto him.

I closed my eyes and rested my head against his back. Uhh, there's nothing else I can do.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked as he drove.

"Do I look okay? After you pulled me to Kuya Jun's shop and now you're subjecting me to this?"

I heard his soft laughter, which annoyed me.

"I just wanted to lighten your mood. I don't want to see you troubled, it doesn't suit your beautiful face," he said.

I fell silent at his words. I bit my lower lip and tried to suppress the urge to get all giddy and pinch him on the side.

I can't understand myself right now. I really want to see Link all the time, to the point that if a day passes without seeing him, I feel sad. And just like earlier, he didn't call right away, and I was already waiting like a crazy person.

The journey lasted for 45 minutes before we arrived at Boso-Boso Overlooking. It's already evening, huh? Can we still see the view?

I got off the motorcycle, and Link followed. Once he was off, he faced me and smiled.

"What are we doing here?"

"Take a moment to relax here," he said, pulling me towards the edge.

We sat down and looked at the over-looking view that was now enveloped in darkness. There were some areas with lights, but it was still dark when you reached the top.

The surroundings were silent, with only the sound of insects filling the air. It was a bit eerie because we were the only ones there, but the atmosphere was also relaxing, along with the cool breeze. Aside from the passing vehicles, it was peaceful.

"Do you now understand what I meant with my question?" he asked, causing me to look at him.

"Not yet," I replied.


The surroundings fell silent again. And I noticed that Link seemed to be practicing something to say. What is he doing?

I almost didn't pay attention, but he suddenly called my name. "Angelle."


"Did you go on a date with Kervin?" he asked.

"Ah. Yes, he invited me." I nodded in response.

"Did he say anything?"

I shook my head in reply. What does he need to know?

"Why, does he have something to tell me?"

"N-no, nothing. I was just concerned that he might tell stories about our childhood mischief." I smiled and looked up at the sky.

"If he does, I won't listen." I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

I looked at him and smiled. "Because I want you to tell me about your experiences when you were a child, from now until the end."

He fell silent. He looked away from my gaze. Is he feeling shy?

"Do you really love me, Angelle? Are you not joking?" he asked without looking at me.

"What if I say yes?"

He glanced at me, and we locked eyes without averting our gaze.

"Then I am the happiest man in the world," he smiled.

"Why did you love me?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"It's simple. Because you're the woman who made me feel a different kind of excitement," he replied.

I furrowed my brow. What kind of excitement?

"What kind of excitement?" I asked.

I waited for his answer, but he just smiled at me. What's so amazing about his smile and his habit of smiling?

"Never mind. All I know now is that I loved you for who you are," he said.

I smiled in response and looked at the over-looking view.

Link suddenly stood up from his seat and sat next to me. Once he was seated, he gently rested my head on his shoulder, which made me smile.

"Just rest yourself," he whispered.

"Thank you," was all I could say.

I'm not asking for more. But please, I want to stay on his shoulder forever.

It was already 7 PM when we arrived home from the over-looking view. Before going home, he invited me to a noodle house, which I didn't refuse. We ate there and talked, which became an opportunity for us to open up to each other. We got to know more about each other. We even discovered some new things about each other.

He dropped me off in front of the house and waited until I entered before leaving. I found Lica in the living room, watching the anime Charlotte and looking a bit dazed. Tch, still watching.

"Hey, Sistah. Your dinner is on the table," she said when she noticed me.

"Thanks, but I'm already full," I replied.

"You went on a date with Kuya Link, huh?" she asked.

I gave her a glare, and she immediately got the answer she wanted.

I went straight to my room, closed the window, and lay on my bed.


I hadn't even sat on the bed when my phone vibrated. I picked it up and immediately read the message from Link.

From: Link

Good night :)

I smiled and put my phone down. I settled in bed and was about to sleep when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, furrowing my brow as I wondered who was calling. I thought he had said good night already?

"Hello," I greeted on the other line.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Yes, if you didn't call."

"Sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice before I sleep."

I glanced at the emptiness, not feeling the excitement I thought I would.

"You're crazy."

"Haha, sorry, it's your fault as well. If you weren't wandering around in my thoughts, then I wouldn't be going crazy over you."

I couldn't help but smile. "You're so cheesy. So, what do you want to say?"

"Ah. I'll just say good night to you."


"Good night," he said.

"Good night, too."

After our conversation ended, I received a message from him that made my heart beat faster.

From: Link

I love you, Only one you :*

I wish he didn't just say it in a message. Instead, I wish he said it to me in person.