Chapter 0007


Fear had erupted deep in my soul.

With every click of my heels against the floor, came fear.

With every rattle of chains, came fear.

With every strained whimper, came fear.

I trembled tremendously as I walked through the tunnel-like structure leading into the holding cell where Maxwell was held captive.

Cold shivers coursed through my bloodstreams as I had a recollection of about a week ago, when I was in the same situation as Maxwell. I was held hostage by the same man, I was familiar with that evil smirk plastered across his lips, I was familiar with the stench of blood and human feces, I was familiar with the smoke from his burning cigar, I was familiar with those chains, and I was familiar with the fear in Maxwell’s eyes.

But I wasn’t familiar with the way my heart almost leaped with joy at the suffering of another.

I was unfamiliar with the way my adrenaline pumped.