Chapter 0012


Pacing back and forth in my office, rage enveloped me, my blood rose in anger, and my chest constricted with rage.

How was I so oblivious to the disgusting activities that was happening right under my nose?

How had I been completely blind to my mother’s wickedness?

How did my father get away with constantly playing the victim?

Questions after questions plagued my mind. I was losing my grip on the last string of sanity I had left. My life was a mess. My life was a complete mess.

Desperately needing to calm my present disorderliness, I continuously poured myself one glass after another of scotch. The burning liquid hadn’t helped me at all.

Nothing seemed to be working in my favor.

I was doomed. My life was doomed.

Human trafficking?

Human fucking trafficking?!

How could they do this? How could those monsters that birthed me do a thing like this?