Chapter 0024


A dirty smirk marred my face, my eyes squinting with mischief. “Oh, there’s one theory which I’d absolutely love to test out.” The frequency of my words held seduction, the kind that had Ricardo’s eyes glazing over with lust.

Ricardo’s front pushed into me, his bulge straining against his pants. “Oh yeah?”

I blinked up at him, batting my lashes demurely while my tongue had been slowly gliding across my bottom lip. “Mmhmm.”

He groaned. “And what theory might that be, princess.”

I chuckled. Typical men.

My left hand cradled his face, my thumb stroking with tenderness. Ricardo leaned into my touch with a moan. “It is a shame, Ghost.” I tsked. “If only you weren’t such a liar, If you hadn’t betrayed me, I wouldn’t have had to do this. . .”

The implication of my words were yet to be deciphered by Ricardo when I pushed my blade into his stomach. His eyes snapped to mine, and I shot him a smile as I continued to bury my blade into him.