Chapter 0039


One hour.

I had been seated here, for a whole hour, quietly listening to the jumbled words that had been spilling nonstop from my father’s mouth.

Didn’t the old man get tired of talking?

Gesù Cristo.

“I’ve told you many times how beneficial this marriage with Theresa will turn out, but you wouldn’t listen to me because—”

Fucks sake.

My patience snapped.

"Fuck!” I growled. “I’ve said it a million times, but if you need me to keep screaming it until you fully understand, Luigi, then listen carefully. This marriage and whatever you hope to achieve with this alliance will never work. Got it?”

"Because of that whore?" Theresa scowled.

My inability to act upon my anger and smack the shit out of Theresa’s mouth had taken a lot of self restraint. She had no right speaking about my woman in such a condescending tone.