Chapter 0050


One week later.

One. Two. Three.

Three knocks resounded on my door, startling me back to reality. “Come!”

Gracie walked in, a forced smile etched on her lips. “I just concluded my daily checkup on Raul. . .he really is recovering quicker than I expected.”

A chuckle had escaped her as she reported Raul’s health condition to me. In silence, I watched her face, observing the depth of her frown—her unhappy eyes.

When Gracie was finished talking, she began approaching the door when I called her back. “Gracie, could you sit with me for a second?”

She hesitated, but when I shot her my pleading eyes, she had instantly succumbed.

I scooted close to her and held her hand in mine. Our eyes connected with a swirl of emotions as silence encased us. My heart knew what her heart held, and Gracie’s heart knew what my heart held.

The understanding of the heaviness in our hearts had forced tears out of our eyes.