Chapter 0054


My eyebrows creased together in confusion but before I could say anything, my earpiece activated. "You've been spotted, Ginevra, and unless you're hell bent on dying, get the hell out of there!" Paulo hollered.

"I think what he meant was. . .run!" Izzy yelled and I took off.

"Give me a fucking break," Harley sneered.

Gunshots rippled around her like fireworks.

My situation too, wasn't any better considering half the henchmen of the Sanchez's were pursuing me like their life depended on it. They wanted to take me in alive but that didn't stop them from sending bullets my way.

I ran until my black SUV double crossed me and I jumped inside, panting and choking on my cough as my lungs were on fire. "Look who made it," Dominico jested.

Meaning to chuckle, a groan escaped my throat when I felt a sting on my arm. My eyes snapped to my arm and I found Raul trying to stop the blood flow by applying pressure on the wound I didn't even realize was there.