Chapter 0071


I was going to take care of it?

Hell, was I?

I had left Tuscany a month ago after the unwanted visit from detective Kingsley. That fucking corrupt officer who ate my father's ass for a living.

I loathed the fucker and the fact that he had the audacity to call my wife names while threatening me right in front of my own home? I was going to pay him a visit but I had left it to Ginevra, seeing she had promised to give him the death he brought upon himself.

Because of his visit, I had snuck away from Ginevra. I ran away to Sicily thinking that all I had to do was have a bloodbath. But something else was awaiting me when I arrived.

After one whole month of being away from my woman, I was finally standing in front of the door to our home with tears in my eyes.

I fought tooth and nails before I was given an opportunity to go back to her but I was only allowed a week.

A week was all I had to be with her and if I stayed a second longer, she'd pay the price.