Just Summertime Sadness


In all the time she had known Elif, she had never seen the woman this serious. Not even when Elf was having a bad day and her surgeries were dressing her out. Elif was always happy. Always smiling and careful not to show any other emotions. 

It was like she had wanted to be the best for Kiyomi, but Kiyomi never wanted her to lose her smile in the process, so Kiyomi always tried her best to be there for Life. Funny how right now Elif was leading and Kiyomi was following with amusement on her face. 

But then again, no one ever thought there would be a tunnel under this hospital, yeah?

"You cannot be serious," Kiyomi said but Elif was way past making jokes. 

She was ready to flip the world for her best friend and maybe that would make her a target of the people who were seeking out Kiyomi, but what else was there? Kiyomi wouldn't ever be able to talk Elif out of this anyway.

"No, Kiki. I am not playing games with you. Come with me," Elif said as she led the way to Kiyomi's washroom. 

The good doctor wasn't sure what she was expecting, but when Elif stood right beside her bathtub and stared at her, Kiyomi was sure her friend was nits. There was no way there was a tunnel under her the whole time she lived in this hospital and especially in this office. Surely she could have found out, right?

"Use your Lycan strength to push the tub to the side," Elif said and Kiyomi just did as ordered, and true to Elif's word, there was a lean tile that covered a passageway. 

Elif knew who and what Kiyomi was. 

She understood everything about her because she had proven to Kiyomi countless times that the rogue Lycan could trust her. 

It hasn't been easy at first, with Kiyomi being selective of the people she interacted with, not to mention Kiyomi knowing nothing about human interactions. But then together, they learned more about each other and how to adapt to their environments. 

There were days when Kiyomi let Elif see into her head and see what the Lycan kingdom was like and it was something that got Elif with mixed feelings, with the one thing standing out, the need to keep Kiyomi safe and even her secrets.

"Don't tell me I'll be swimming in my pee to get to the tunnel. If that's so, just let them catch me, please, Elif," Kiyomi whined dramatically and Elif gently pushed her to the side, not ready to deal with her dramatic best friend. 

This wasn't the time for all the theatrics and they needed to work that out as soon as possible. The hospital guards would soon be at the door of their office and they would need to find a way out.

"Her—" Elif began right as they heard bangs at the door. They were loud and intent, with Kiyomi's name being called out. 

Funny how they suddenly knew Kiyomi was the doctor sleeping in the hospital on most days and yet they couldn't keep in mind that she had been on leave and the women loved her sleep on her leave days. 

Humans were twisted and that was a reality Kiyomi had gotten to learn over the years, so this was not surprising to her anymore. She would find a way out of this, eventually.

"Shit they are here," Elif said as she looked for some button under the tile. It wasn't clear what she was looking for, but Kiyomi knew they were out of time.

"Leave it, Elif," Kiyomi said, but Elif wasn't one to give up. 

She hasn't come this far just to watch her best friend be subjected to a cruel fate. It wouldn't be fair and if there was something Elif had learned about the Lycans and their mad queen, was the fact that they were brutal beings that wouldn't show mercy. 

Sure the Lycan mob was no match for them, but the Bogdan Lycans terrified Elif because of what she had learned about them. She hated that if the left shirt as it was, Kiyomi would be forced to experience shit that she couldn't even explain to anyone. 

It was not fair at all.

"No. We're so close. I can buy you time. But I need you out of here," Elif insisted and Kiyomi stared at her best friend. She could see how disturbed Elif was, and she hadn't wanted this for her. This wasn't the fate she had wanted to see for Elif.

"We don't have time, Elif. I need you to listen to me, alright?" Kiyomi said as she shook Elif, bringing her back to the land of the living. Elif was frustrated and desperate to save her friend, and it was actually nice of her, but they were running out of time.

"Okay… okay. Just please don't turn yourself in, Kiki, please," Elif begged and Kiyomi sighed, pulling her into a hug. She didn't want to break her friend's soft heart, so she would just do as Elif hoped.

"No, I won't. I will find a way out of the hospital. But you need to go back to your station. I will come and find you. I promise. You know I never broke a promise, right?" Kiyomi said and Elif stared at her defeatedly. 

This wasn't how life was supposed to go for the Lycan who had been good to them and saved their access to Odanera hospital more than once. But then again, all good things always have an ending, right? Perhaps this was Kiyomi's end here.

"But Kiki—" Elif tried. The risks were getting greater and it wasn't making this any better for the both of them.

"Listen. They are about to break the door, so I'll need you to focus. Where do you always go when you have breaks like now?" Kiyomi asked and Elif stared at her in confusion. It was as expected, seeing as Elif always spent her time with Kiyomi.

"In your office," Elif said and Kiyomi sighed.

"Anywhere else?" Kiyomi asked.

"The resident rooms," Elif said and Kiyomi just nodded, before she held Elif tightly like they were simply jitsu friends hugging. They heard the front door to Kiyomi's Office open and they knew they were screwed a thousand times over. 

Elif was sure they would be caught in the process, but right before the washroom door opened, they teleported to the resident rooms, the one place where the medical residents got to rest when they had a rough day.

"You can rest here for now. I'll make it seem like you have been sleeping here for a while. I will take care of my thighs and reach out to you. No matter what happens, do not look for me, Elif. When the time's right I will come and find you. 

"All my human savings are in your name as always. Use the money as wisely as you would wish to. Get the rover for yourself, sister, and happy birthday Elif. I have to go now," Kiyomi said before she cast a sleeping spell on Elif, before her best friend could even say goodbye. 

She was sadly aware that Elif wouldn't like that when she woke up, but then Kiyomi waxed out of time. She needed to find a way out of here fast and she needed to keep herself hidden and so well. 

So with one last kiss on Elif's forehead, and her scent still masked, Kiyomi teleported to the server room. She needed answers on who had put her in that predicament. She needed to know why it was courageous to mess with her life like that. 

"They're really making her take the fall. Humanity sure is cruel," Kiyomi heard one of the guards say as she hid behind the huge servers. She was aware that this wasn't the best solution for her, but then what else could she do? She needed answers.

The server room had everything that she needed to prove that she was innocent but hearing those guards stalk didn't make her any more hopeful about this madness. She is losing everything she had and did not have and all because of something she didn't do.

"I have been watching her in that office. The doctor hasn't left her for two days now. It doesn't make any sense," another said as they stared at the ruckus the hospital was in at the moment. Everyone was looking for Kiyomi.