I Can’t Help But Be Wrong In The Dark


"That was so close!" Kiyomi said as she laughed and jumped around the apartment like a kid who had gotten her first rush of adrenaline. She looked so happy, genuinely happy that for a moment there, Elif was sure that someone had switched out her best friend. 

This right here was a new sight for her, and as much as she wanted to be glad that Kiki was happy and looked like she had won something in life, Elif was shaken. She hadn't expected that some portal would be like that, or even that she would want to puke her guts out. 

She had gone to the bathroom a few times now, and each time she came back, her best friend still looked as high as a kite. It was not what Elif had wanted to deal with in the morning after her long thirty-six-hour shift at the hospital. But then here she was.

"Oh shit, you have puke on the side of your mouth. I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to hurt you," Kiyomi said apologetically as her eyes softened when she stopped to look at Elif. 

She refused to have her so sad for the day, even though that had been Kiyomi's state for the past two months. Funny how she was suddenly looking out for her best friend when she hadn't even had the lights of will to live when they got out of the house earlier.

"Nuh uh…" Elif interrupted Kiyomi's steps towards her with just a show of her fingers. 

She was sick of the chaos that had been in their lives for the past two months and friendly, she was ready to sacrifice even in Odanera just so Kiyomi could find that crazy ass bitch that knew how to handle her.

"I'm sorry, Elif… I didn't mean to," Kiyomi said, as she sat softly on the ground, looking at her best friend apologetically. She was truly sorry and Elif knew that too, but that didn't make the chaos any easier to deal with.

"Two months, Kiki. Two whole months. You haven't gone to the hospital; you haven't done anything other than wallow in the apartment and do things that even Satan wouldn't consider healthy. 

"Two whole months and you only ever showered thrice! Do you know what that means for you? You fucking let yourself go because of a woman you had sworn you were scared of and a woman you said hated you with every sliver of her being. 

"Two freaking months that you looked like the worst version of yourself. Hell, even if I put you on a marketplace, I'm sure even the homeless won't have you. Now fucking explain to me what the fuck was that back there?" Elif asked angrily as she looked at her best friend who was pouting at her. 

This was what she had to deal with every day so it wasn't surprising for her at the moment. But even that didn't make it any easier to deal with Kiyomi Kimura. 

Anyone would have assumed that the human would be harder to deal with, given the Lycan had powers to get anything done and yet here they were, two best friends looking like shit because one of them decided the universe wasn't already as fucked up as they could have imagined. 

This was a horror story for them and there was no denying that it was a cruel reality.

"I'll go take a shower; I promise. I'll be clean, please don't be mad," Kiyomi said and Elif ran a frustrated hand through her hair, even as Kiyomi reached out with a tissue and wiped Elif's puke off. 

The human looked like she could smack Kiyomi into kingdom come and right now, as Kiyomi stared at her in earnest. Elif was sure Kiyomi would let her. But that wasn't what she was trying to do. 

Her best friend had been out of touch with their reality for the longest time. It was like Kiyomi lived in a whole different world and it had been heartbreaking to say the least. Surely the good doctor had to have seen that version of herself too, right?

"Listen… I don't care if you decide to go dance the streets naked. I will always be there with a shawl to cover you up. Even if you hadn't portaled us out of the club I could have fought for us, Kiki. But this is not you. This is not who you had always been. 

"Whatever Sakura did to you, is not good at all, and if this is what love does, I don't think I want to be in love too. This is heartbreaking in so many ways. I love you, Kiki. I love you more than life, but we can't continue like this. 

"Even if you take a shower even if you go back to the hospital, your mental health would still be compromised. That queen fucked you up, and it's not something that anyone can forgive. 

"Which is why you and I are going to go back to your home and we're going to demand answers. If she wants to break up with you, the least she can do is say it to your face, so we can trash her damned space and wreck her compound. 

"At least you will be better. If she is too much of a coward to do it, then you will do whatever you want with her, and I'll support you, even to the ends of the earth, sister. I will be there. 

"Get up, we have a woman whose ass we need to kick," Elif said and Kiyomi held back a chuckle. 

She loved how Elif was determined to do whatever it took to get her better. But how the fuck was she supposed to explain to Elif that the Bogdan Lycan were back home, and that even if they went home there was a chance that Sakura couldn't protect her like a mate? 

How was she to explain to Elif that going back home meant that she would probably never come back again and that it would mean the end of her life seeing as rogues were not allowed back out? 

How was she supposed to tell Elif the mate bond wasn't like a relationship that could easily be broken apart, and that the only way out was the death of both mates? What better way would she use to explain that to Elif?

"Stop thinking too much. You can create a portal there and then we will do the needed and hurry back. That way, you can go back to being the excellent neurosurgeon we have always known, alright?" Elif said encouragingly and Kiyomi sighed. 

This wasn't going to be the easiest of things, but then what else did she have to lose anyway? 

Sakura had sworn to protect Elif no matter what happened between her and Kiyomi, so even if Kiyomi never came back to the human lands, no one would be after Elif. But then was that a sacrifice that Sakura wanted Kiyomi to make? 

Would it be easier, or would this be the one time that Sakura reminded everyone of how powerful she was as the devil queen just to protect her erasthai?

"Alright, I'll go clean up then," Kiyomi said and Elif sighed. 

This was going to be a really long day.