All Good Things…


The honeymoon had become a familiar feeling in the Kimura-Watanabe household. It was not something that they had objected to, even though Elif always glared at them like she wanted to strangle them with their own love. 

It was a different sight for Kiki and Sakura and honestly, Elif couldn't be blamed. On one hand, she was glad that her best friend was finally getting the attention she needed while on the other hand, it was like they were waiting for a bomb to explode. 

None of it was making any sense, even to those who had seen them. The entire apartment block had seen the couple that was on their honeymoon, or as they always referred to them, the honey badgers. 

It was not something there the couple in question paid attention to anyway. 

On some days, they were out by the pool, basking in their new normal, enjoying the sun and the view, not to mention holding onto each other and spending time being sweeter than usual. 

Anyone would think they were normal and maybe that was the goal here, right? Besides, no one had said that happiness was the one thing that queens couldn't have, right?

"I'm going to the hospital, lovebirds. Make sure the house is clean when I come back; and for the love of whatever you believe in, don't leave the windows open. You guys might not be affected by mosquito bites, but I got affected;

"... and I don't want to have them feasting on me after my seventy-two-hour shift. Be nice or you will never know peace this time," Elif warned as she shouted at the two love birds who were staring into each other's eyes as always. 

They were in their own world and Elif just sighed. She knew it wasn't going to be easy for her to deal with this, but she was happy that Kiki had taken a leave for the first time since she had come to Odanera Hospital. 

Maybe it wasn't much for the woman, but Kiyomi had needed that break.

"Who forgot to shut the windows last time?" Kiyomi asked once she was sure Elif had left. 

She had heard Elif's car drive away and she relaxed. They were always in trouble with the doctor, but that didn't matter, because other than the threats and the starvation, they were alright, yeah?

"It definitely wasn't me. I was too busy being in your arms to even think straight," Saki defended and Kiyomi let out a chuckle. This was new to them but at the same time, they loved everything that came with their moment. 

Love was interesting to some extent, and at the same time, it was scary, though both of them had chosen not to focus on the horrors of a love story that they had known nothing of for the beginning.

"Doesn't matter anyway. I'll close them later," Kiki said and Saki laughed, knowing so well that she would forget like always. So to save the both of them from getting an earful again, she used her magic to shut the windows. 

That was the first time in the ten days that she had been here with Kiyomi that she had used her magic. Those had been ten days of pure happiness, of knowing each other, loving each other, holding onto each other, and interestingly… abstinence. 

For people who made everyone believe they were in the honeymoon phase, they had never gone past kisses and getting touchy with each other. 

Maybe it was because they were both scared of crossing the line, but even if they did cross the line, there was no denying that they were already past that mentally, right? Or they just wanted to watch their paces.

"I love you, petal," Saki said with a laugh and Kiki shut her up with a kiss.

"Goodnight, my precious," Kiki said when they pulled back, holding Saki closely like she was scared that Saki would disappear into the night. They had been sleeping together for all ten days and Kiki was the happiest then.

"Goodnight, petal," Sakura said softly as she watched Kiyomi's eyes close gently. 

They were both worn out, from all that had happened in the past few days. It had all been so new and initially, Saki had been awkward as fuck and scared to the death that she would fuck things up. 

It wasn't something that she experienced on a daily basis and all her fears were truly nothing regardless of what happened. But over the few days, with Elif being with them, like a guardian, they had managed to get through it. 

"You're so perfect," Sakura whispered, her hands stroking Kiyomi's face gently. She was scared of hurting Kiyomi and scared of waking her up too. Maybe Sakura was overthinking, but what else could she do then? 

If someone had told her that years and years would pass and end up with her and Kiyomi in each other's arms, she could have called the bluff. But then again, fate was something ridiculous, however, Sakura wasn't about to complain. 

Kiyomi was so soft, so tender, so perfect that Sakura was worried that staying close to Kiyomi would cause her pain. It wasn't easy when Kiyomi was like an angel, a perfect little angel just for Sakura. 

"How did I get so lucky?" Sakura asked as she breathed Kiyomi in. 

She loved the way Kiyomi's scent was unpredictable. It was almost like it changed with her mood, which meant that each day there was always going to be a different scent. But then Sakura had already gotten five scents from Kiyomi. 

Her favorite of them all was caramel and cinnamon. 

Maybe she was insane for thinking that it was a good thing. Sakura was tempted to ask Kiyomi about her changing scents but then it seemed like Kiyomi herself didn't know that she had such changing scents. 

So that would only make her worry. And that was not something that Sakura wanted for Kiyomi. Maybe someday, she would ask about it, but not today.

"My beautiful Kiyomi… every day was like a death sentence, waiting for you, y'know. I never thought I'd see you again. I never thought you would ever even consider having me close like this," Sakura whispered as she breathed Kiyomi's cinnamon scent in. 

The longer she stayed around Kiyomi, the more potent the cinnamon scent was and frankly, Sakura was sure that that was Kiyomi's permanent natural scent. Maybe he was thinking too much because she loved cinnamon, but what were the odds in their age and time, right?

"Can I tell you a secret, my beautiful petal?... I have never been in love with someone. Maybe that's a stretch, but I have never loved someone. I haven't wanted anyone like I want you," Sakura chuckled dryly. 

Kiyomi was sleeping comfortably. Her little sweet love was deep in slumber and here she was, yapping about things that would never make sense, things that she would never say out loud. 

Maybe it was a good thing that she said this when Kiyomi was asleep, right? She didn't know if there would ever come a time when Sakura sat Kiyomi down and made the confession. It felt like she would be ranting like a fool. 

But she was a fool for Kiyomi, that was the one thing she had been so sure of when she watched Kiyomi come to the human lands and not do anything about it. 

Of course, back then, Sakura had been confined to just her hate for the woman who had kept her sane all that time. 

Kiyomi was a rogue and Sakura was known to hate rogues. Then again, Sakura knew that even though she wouldn't ever admit it to anyone, her hatred for rogues was the only way for her to keep going. 

Running a kingdom as big as her was no joke and with the madness she had gone through herself she never wanted that for someone she felt attracted to. And that was also why it was easier for her to have pets. 

Oh, but Sakura had been a sucker for Kiyomi for the longest time.

"Fuck, I should just sleep," Sakura sighed as she cuddled with Kiyomi, hoping to the goddess that things would get awkward in the coming days. Maybe they would, or maybe she was just overthinking as usual, no?

As the night progressed into the day, Sakura started staring at the ceiling. 

She hadn't slept a wink because she was scared that she would wake up to Kiyomi gone. She hated that fear because it made her vulnerable, but then it wasn't like she would admit it to her petal. 

She didn't want Kiyomi to blame herself for the shit that Saki was going through, so as usual, when she heard Kiyomi toss in bed like she always did when she wanted to wake up, Saki closed her eyes, staying as still as possible, slowing her breathing and making it seem like she was sleeping. 

Well, that was until she felt a gentle tap on her cheeks.

"You're a terrible liar, Sakura," Kiyomi said swiftly and Saki's eyes opened faster than she had ever thought. she wasn't sure what the fuck she had done, but she was so very ready to repent for it. 

"I'm sorry," Sakura said apologetically as she looked at imine who was staring at her.

"You don't know why you're apologizing, no?"

"I'm sorry, petal."

"Come, lay with me. You need to get some sleep too… and I'm not going anywhere," Kiyomi said, adding the last bit, almost like she could already see the wheels spinning in Sakura's head. 


"Shh… sleep. When you wake up, we'll be going to Odanera," Kiyomi and Sakura just nodded and lay back on the bed, trusting Kiyomi. When she felt a kiss on her temple, Sakura was certain she was safe.

And maybe that's why she slept that long.

But maybe she shouldn't have.