Anchor Up To Me, Love


"What if it never happens again?" Kiki asked like she already knew what Doiwa was like. The Lycans would never accept the fact that the queen had a rogue for an erasthai. It is just unheard of and it went against everything Doiwa stood for.

"Then mark me. I want everyone to know that I belong to you, Petal," Sakura stated casually and Kiyomi stepped back. Whatever Sakura was thinking was romantic and all, but it was dangerous.

It was a decision that could never be taken back in case things went sideways and that was the one thing Kiyomi Kimura didn't want to force the woman into. Sakura right now was simply talking from a point of love, which was not as bad.

However, Kiyomi knew her home and she knew that there were so many things that had to be considered. The fact that she was a rogue Lycan was the worst of them all and Sakura needed to know that the risks would ruin her.

It wouldn't be worth it, and it was a sacrifice that, while Sakura was willing to take on, Kiyomi was not going to let happen. She loved Sakura, she lived for the woman, but dooming her to want the thing to do, not this early on.

"You don't want me to bear your mark?" Sakura asked, when she realized that Kiki had stepped back. She was doing this for her, and she wanted the entirety of the realm to know that she belonged to the good doctor.

So, she didn't understand why Kiyomi would be against it. There was nothing holding them back right now and the fates wouldn't even dare to tamper with a bond this delicate, which got Saki even more confused.

"You don't want me?" Saki added and Kiyomi stepped back forward, like she was ready to embrace her. It wasn't that much of a thought for Kiki, because she was a woman in love, but then making decisions solely on love was not a good idea.

"Me? That's absurd, baby. I love you. I want to spend every moment with you, but I also need to let you go back home. I will be waiting for you regardless. Tell you what… if you come back for me once everything is sorted then I will mark you and let you mark me.

"Not just as the pet bound by your contract, but as the love of your life, just like you are that for me. I know this isn't what you want to hear, Saki, but it is a possibility we must explore. And I won't tell you that this is because you're the Lycan queen.

"This is about me and you, and no one else. This is about giving each other the space so we can come back to each other once everything's done and sorted. This is about me loving you enough to trust that no matter what happens, you will always come back.

"Can you do that for me?" Kiki asked and Saki sighed. She hadn't been expecting this, truly, but deep down a part of her knew that Kiyomi was right. The good doctor was a rogue, and not just any rogue. She was a Kimura rogue.

The Bogdan Lycans would come after her and even worse, the entire realm would come after her if they knew that a Kimura rogue was alive. That was a truth that Sakura had wished to alter, but there was only so much she could hold back on.

She had to trust Kiki too because otherwise they were doomed, seeing as they would be on different sides of the world. Perhaps this was their greatest test, but damn the goddess for forcing them to bond like this.

"Of course I can. I love you," Sakura agreed, and Kiki sighed in relief. She knew this is going to be hard for the both of them, but she was choosing to trust the process, or whatever was left of it.

"I just hate that I have to leave you here," Saki complained and Kiyomi chuckled softly as she peppered kisses on her Erasthai's face. Life with each other had been pure bliss and dreamy, but it had to come to a pause, not an end.

"Well, the sooner you leave, the sooner you will come back, don't you think?" Kiki said and Sakura glared at her, even though there wasn't much weight to it. It was just like they were bantering and maybe this was what it would be like for a while.

"Besides, this time, you're not abandoning me. I know where you will be and I know I can come home to you if I miss you, and you can do the same. I will wait for you, always, Saki," Kiyomi said as she pulled Saki into a heartfelt hug.

She knew that this was probably the last goodbye for the longest time, but then she had to have hope that the Lycan queen would come back for her. She had to, because otherwise she would go crazy thinking of the pets that were waiting for Saki home.

Oh, how Kiyomi wished she hadn't run away from Doiwa, but even then, there wouldn't have been much to stay for because she had no one to hold onto and she was still being hunted, despite having the Kimura-Watanabe tag on her scrubs.

"I guess this is 'see you soon' then, petal," Saki whispered as she leaned in for a kiss.

"For now, my sweet rebel. Only for now," Kiyomi reassured in earnest.

"Until we meet again, my beautiful," Saki said in defeat. She hadn't wanted to leave, but she had people who needed her. She had a family she needed to set straight for Kiyomi's sake, because that was the only way to get her erasthai back.

"I love you," Kiyomi replied once more and Sakura created a portal to Doiwa. It was a difficult decision for the both of them, but it was one that they had to make regardless of what happened.

"I'll hold onto this, until I see you again," Sakura said as she got the doctor's coat off of Kiyomi. It was her only souvenir and the only thing that she hoped would anchor her back to Odanera given how toxic Doiwa had gotten over the years.

"Want me to scent it?" Kiki asked sheepishly and Sakura nodded excitedly. She wanted that and more, but she would settle for just this. Perhaps it was the only way at the moment, but damn the fates.

"Here you go, my rebel," Kiki said as she handed Saki the coat that had her scent all over. It was potent, too potent but Saki found it claiming. That was her only link to Kiyomi even though she hoped for more.

"I have to leave now," Saki said as she stared at the portal. 

She wanted to stay longer to hold onto Kiyomi longer, but there was not enough time for the both of them. Perhaps if everything was sorted, they wouldn't have to worry about it, yeah?

"I'll always miss you until I see you again," Kiyomi whispered as she pulled Saki into one last hug before letting the queen go through the portal. It was an agonizing watch for her, even as the portal closed before her.

"Well, well, well. Looks like your protector is gone, Kimura. Who will save you from me this time?" a familiar voice said, reminding Kiki of the horrors she had run away from years ago. But would she run this time too?