Plan in progress

It's been three days now , Yi family are settling their luggage in the cart for the capital.

Sian's two servant were crying and hugging her, very sad to leave her but happy to renovate with their families.

" Miss we will miss you , please remember to eat daily , stay away from danger and take a bath daily." Xiao zi , the girl servant, said as she hugged Sian tightly.

" Haha , Xiao zi I'll definitely do all of that , don't worry ." Sian patted both siblings .

" Sniff , and - and don't forget to wash your hairs and clothes otherwise they will stink."

Xiao Li said as he wipped his tears.

" Xiao Li , I will definitely do that , don't worry I am not a kid ." Sian calm both of them down as she lead them to the carriage.

" Here , sit properly , don't help any stranger or don't even talk to them just go to your home directly. If there's any problem come to me directly or send me a letter I'll be there."

Sian packed their luggage in the carriage as she gives the money to the driver.

" Please send them directly to the address."

She instructed him .

" Don't worry miss I will."

The driver got in his seat , ready for the departure.

" Alright bye you two, have a safe journey."

She stand in a distance to let the carriage go .


" Miss, we will miss you."

Both of the siblings said.

" I will too. "

" Bye miss ,we will visit you soon."

" Yeah bye!!!!"

Sian ran a little to see them off as the carriage went far away bit by bit , disappearing from her sight.

" I really will miss them huh ."

They were the other two people aside from her mom and sister who talked to her like this , cared for her even though she was not the real Yi Sian she can still feel the close connection between them .

'Guess I'll now go and greet the Yi family too'. She made her way to greet others.


Sian saw all the servants leaving as her family was ready to leave, she went toward her father.

" Farewell father, have a safe journey." She bow down slightly to greet him.

"Farewell, take care." Her father got in the carriage .

Everyone took their leave to the capital

And just like that she was left alone in the house , not a single being other than her.

" Sighh... Looks like it's just me now , no melodrama, no laughter and quarrel of the siblings. For now let's focus on my plan , first I will go and take a look in the shop and then check what improvement is needed."

She locked the house and went to the shop.





Sian POV:-

The shop is not that far from my house , it's big and spacious but there not much things , dust everywhere and storage waste , everythings dull here .

Sian went inside the shop, there she saw a man in the counter.

She went toward him and asked " are you the employee here?."

The man who was just idling around quickly focused on her, " Yes I am , do you need something ? "

" Yes , hello, I am Yi Sian, the new owner of this shop." Sian bowed to him slightly.

The man quickly stood up , impressed by her polite manner because kids from rich family are often arrogant and rude , he is in his mid 50's an old employees that has been working in the shop for a many years.

" I have heard about you from the Master Yi , welcome, I look forward to working under you miss." He also bowed .

"I look forward to it too , sir."

He is an old employee of here , he doesn't look that ambitious to work but not that lazy .

"Haha , no need to call me sir , miss. Just call me uncle Luo or old Luo , everyone call me that." He got out from the counter .

"Ok , I'll call you uncle Luo then and you can me Sian too ."

"Ok miss Sian , let me show you around the shop . There not much to see here though. I don't want to be disrespectful but I am honest when I say this." He looks at Sian if she is okay to hear about this , saying something against her family might be trouble after all.

"You can tell me uncle Luo , I like honesty more than boot licking." Beside I know what you are going to say , just look at this shop even I don't want to come here .

"Ahem , so I have been working here for many years , at first when master Yi opened this shop he was very focused on improving this shop but time by time he lost his focused, I think or maybe he just forgot about this shop. People visiting decrease day by day here as many employers quite too, the money I get is enough to feed for me and my wife that's why I work here. Master Yi didn't looked at this shops anymore and didn't even provide the materials. Now all I can do is clean this shop a little bit and sit idle here. I was going to quit but when I heard that a new owner is coming I thought about waiting." Old Luo chatted around as he explores the shop with Sian , showing her every corner.

Sian listen to him carefully as she inspected the shop , nodding in between to his talks.




"Haha ,there nothing to show more but this is all , I hope you will show your interest in improving this shop and don't fire me ." Uncle Luo got Sian some water as they took a seat in the chairs .

"I won't fire such a faithful employee Uncle Luo and I'll definitely improve this shop, don't worry."

"Such a thoughtful word, I appreciate that , I look forward to work with you.



After some more conversations i bid farewell to uncle Luo and went to my HOME , the problem of the shop would be solve quickly, I'll clean it up and add the supplies in it . I'll use some of my knowledge from the modern world, now the main thing , I have to make half of my house an inn. Since there no one there I have to clean it up, add decoration amd some furnitures. Phew... So much work.

Sian went in her room as she fell on her bed , curling to her side .

This feels so real and different, I am not dreaming at all like I always used to do , I must say it's kinda good unless I don't have to work so hard.

I just need my room , kitchen, living and study room with a lawn I'll make the other room an inn until the storyline ends.

"Uhhh, there so much to do but I don't feel like doing anything.....Hmm I'll just take a short nap before starting the work"

And just like that sian fell asleep, everything peaceful, no one to distub her until she meet him.

To be continued .....