
Sian roams around the market , people surrounded everywhere as the shopkeeper call the customers and as they bargained , such a sight was amusing to Sian .

She never went to market like this and now was very confused. She stumbled upon many people , especially the short ones who made a ruckus as they make their way .

"Haha , I apologize, I wasn't paying attention" she apologized awkwardly as she went away.

' It's not my fault that you stumbled upon me , hmmp . What can I do if he is short , should have drink more milk when he could. This place is so big and crowded that it's hard for me to focus on my left -right , up and down , front - back .Sigh....anyway, To decorate my shop I should buy some shelves, wall hangings, pots where I can store candies and all. Carpet , some cleaning Mater and.... I should buy some plywoods too.'

After some search she found the shop where she could buy what she desired.

Beautiful wall hangings, posters, curtains, carpet , pots with beautiful designs carved on it , some small storage boxes. She went to the cleaning shop to get washing grass, brush, broom etc . The next shop she went to , she ordered some customised shelves and cupboards which will be delivered to her shop next day and last but not least she brought some plain plywoods, a hammer , nails and a handsaw which was hard to get around here . She shopped till evening as she made her way back home tired , while dragging her bags and the big plywoods with her.

"Sighh... And here I thought that I would save some money . All of it are flowing out of my pocket like water , that shop better make me some profit."

Sian went inside the house as she drop all the things carefully in her room and dragged the furniture things out .

Without wasting anytime she started cutting the plywood to make some big shelves where she will store fresh vegetables, fruits and meat . And some hanging bars where she will hang the clothes and other things.

She work hard on these things till late night only eating noodles as her dinner as she did her work.


"Phew.... I did it."

Finally she had done her work , it's 4 am in the morning, her eye bags were covered with dark circles, her whole body was aching and her brain was screaming her to sleep .

She dragged herself to her bed and fell asleep just to open her eyes in the afternoon.

"Yawn... Nice sleep"

She stretches her body and made her way to fresh up . The clothes was of the female ones were kinda hard for her to wear so she customised her clothes.

Upper body was full sleeve and tight which comfortably attached to her as it made its way down to her lower body. She attached a belt to her waist and wore comfortable pants down . Her clothes were in shades of dark blue and white.

Happily she made her way out as she called a cart and loaded the shelves, cabinet in as she got in it as well . The cart moved as they made their ways to shop.

Uncle Luo , as usual was idling around , seeing Yi Sian with many things with her he immediately made his way to her as he help her to take the things inside the shop.

"Miss Yi , you brought quite the things with you" uncle Luo said as he carried the shelves inside.

"It's not that much uncle Luo , I just brought the wood and customised these things by myself, they are not that good but will make do for few months." Sian carried the cabinet in.

"No no they are very great I must say the finishing and all , what amused me is that you made these miss yi . You are very talented I must say."

"No no uncle Luo you are flattering me."

The two of them chatted as they took all the things in the shop ,Sian gave the money to the cart driver as she carried the bag she brought with her , which were filled with the things she bought in the market.

"Uncle Luo did someone came here with shelves and cupboards?" Sian carefully put her bag down as she stretches her body.

"No, why do you ask?" Uncle Luo brought some snacks with him as he set them on the table.

"Well yesterday I ordered some and they were going to be delivered today , maybe they will be here by evening."

She took the snacks and started eating them

"Uncle Luo these are great !."

"Haha of course they are , my wife made these."

"Wow , she is a great chief , I can see that. "

"Then after the shop is reopened again I'll invite you to my house for dinner, you must come. Ok?"

"Of course, I will."

Uncle Luo amd Yi Sian just met each other a few days ago but they were quite close now , Sian felt like Old Luo was really her uncle and the same was with old Luo .

After finishing their snacks , Sian took out the cleaning material she brought with her . The both of them tied their hairs and sleeves as they started working together, cleaning every corner of the shop , moping the floor and setting the shelves and cabinet.

They took breaks in between, eating snacks and lunch as they get back to work again to decorate the shop with curtain, carpet, wall hangings, pots etc . The things that Sian ordered came as they organised them in place too.




It's 8 pm , both uncle Luo and Sian were standing in front of the shop , huffing, as they admired their work.

"Huff, it's finally done and now the final thing to do is wait for the supplies and advertised the shop." Suan said as she wipped her face.

"Huff Huff, and then we will open the shop and earn money ." Old Luo wipe his sweat and he sit on the chair , rubbing his back .


"Aiyo , look at the time my wife will scold me if I got home late , I'll take my leave miss Sian. You leave quickly too , its dangerous at night." Old Luo got up as he locked the shop .

"Ok , uncle Luo."

They bid each other farewell as they made their own ways back.

Uncle Luo went directly to his home while Sian who was hungry, didn't have the mood to cook, found a restaurant to dig into as she made her ways in.

It's was a bustling shop, filled with many people, waiter were busy, as everyone enjoy their food while chatting happy.

Sian took a seat in between as she look around for the waiter , one of the waiter spotted her quickly as he went to get the order.

"Miss , what can I get for you, we have today's special, chicken noodles , fried chicken stick, chicken soup, pork and fish cakes." He said he took out his note book ready to write his order.

"Hmm... Then I'll have fried chicken stick, chicken noodles, chicken soup and rice."

"Ok miss , I'll bring it as soon as possible."

He quickly ran to the kitchen before setting a glass of water in front of Sian.

Sian who was left alone had nothing do but eavedrops on someone else's conversation. A big introvert she was , she can't even strike in a conversation other than hearing them.

The man who was in his forty's was drunk as he said loud, " And then you know, all the family member of the fu family disappear in one night , some people who lived in their neighbourhood said that they heard loud screams of the people inside but they didn't dare to come out to help them . They heard loud footsteps which were impossible to be of a human, who laughed evil. One of their neighbour got some courage as he peeked out of the window to see what's happening but after that he was so shocked and traumatized to even say anything after few hours he could only say monsters took them away. The next morning when the inspector came who went in the house as it emitted dark aura. The people were so scared that they won't even go near that house let alone the street . Many of the neighbours around them left their home and went to the capital. The only evidence that the inspector could find was an ugly mask which was left behind, the mask was very hideous and small of a human face , the inspectors believed it's a human doing or maybe they control monster or something. It's still a mystery so I gathered all my courage and went to that street , let me tell you the atmosphere there was cursed for sure , my whole body was heavy as I walked in front of the house but I couldn't handle it more so I quickly made my way out of their and I also warned you all not to go their either and shut your door close at night unless you have crazy habit and want to get kidnap or something."

Sian eat her food as she listened to the man talking non stop.

"But which street is it uncle Fu , what if we accidentally got there ?!" One of the teenager said as he stuff himself in the corner out of fear.

"The street name is san blossom street and don't worry as long as you follow what I say everything will be fine."

"Yes uncle Fu tell us." Everyone around him said hurriedly.

"Ahem okay then , first don't go out late at night , lock you door and never open your door for some strangers , if you see them just say God's name as much as you while you cross your fingers and you can hold out onions in front of them , they hate it's smell."

The man chatted and chatted as everyone else listend to him seriously.

" And what if this doesn't work ?"

One of the women asked .

"Then the fate is in your hand ."

Everyone gasp as they hugged each other , the womens hugged each other as they men's promised them that they will walk them home , Sian finished her food as she gave the waiter the bill money and was about to make her way out when the drunk man uncle Fu called her out.

"Girl , be careful on your way." Everyone looked at her.

"I-I will , thank you." Sian shyly and awkwardly made her way out and bowed sightly bidding them farewell.

The people in the shop turned back from her as Sian went out as they said, "Isn't she the daughter of Governor Yi ?"

"Yes she is , I saw her one time when I visited their house."

"Poor her , I heard that the whole family left for the capital, leaving her behind alone , there's no servant and maids beside her either. Poor girl she must be scared living alone in the house."

And this became the next topic for them in the restaurant.

Sian walk her way to the house , while listening to the man , actually she was a little bit scared too not because of being kidnapped but seeing something coming in front of her out of nowhere. She was alone in the house too and it was her first time living alone it was good at first but now she feels a little bit lonely.

Thankfully the street were still booming with lights but her way to the house was still dark, there's not much shop and anything.

Sian made her way as she chanted Buddha's name .

"Namo Buddha , Namo Buddha, Namo-ahh!!!" As she chanted she was suddenly hit by a bug who sat on her face , scared out of her life she slapped her face to get the bug away.

"Huff, Huff, that bastard bug just wanted to gave me a heart attack." Sian straighten herself and walked again. This time she heard dogs howling and her heart pump so hard for it to jump out of her chest , this time she grabbed her floating clothes and ran as fast she could.

She quickly opened her house gate and locked them from inside as she ran to her bedroom. Quickly opening the door and slamming it close , she jump under her bedsheets as she hugged her pillow and closed her eyes shut . Counting sheep to sleep as she fell asleep, hopping morning to come quickly.

To be continued....