Serving time

Sian led the people in her inn, they were all soaking wet as the rain was pouring so heavily outside and they had to stay out for a long time.

Sian inspected everyone, some of them were wearing the same type of outfits which means they are from the same sect but there were other people too who wore different styles of clothes.

Cheng Li , the protagonist, took the lead again as he moved a few steps forward toward Sian .

"Miss, let me introduce again , I am Cheng Li, the senior student of Wan sect , this is the senior female student xi , and these are my friends and juniors." Cheng Li introduced his companions one by one.

"And these are the people who we met outside the previous inn that we went to , they were also searching for the inn so we invited them to search with us and thanks to you we have a place to stay in this stormy night." He introduced the people who came with them , these people wore different clothes and their clothes colour were mostly black and Wan sect's clothes colour were of light blue and white , making a huge difference between them .

"Ahem , nice to meet you all, I am Yi Sian, the owner of this inn. Today because of the weather the inn was closed because none of my employees could get here. As for the food I could make it but I only know how to make rice , fried vegetables and some side dishes or you could say I am not that much of a chef."

Hearing this , Xi , the female protagonist, came forward and spoke in a cute and shy manner .

"Umm... I could help you with that , I know how to make some dishes and you will need a helping hand too, what do you say ?"

"That would be great! I am so glad that you will help , I was so worried." Sian quickly lightens up . "Let me show you all the rooms first and I'll show you the kitchen later."

Sian guided them to their rooms one by one as the Wan sect shared the room respectively and other people with them had their separate room . Honestly Sian didn't know that there would be these people too, she would have come prepared for this beforehand if she knew.

These people were dressed in dark clothes and had their faces covered up , as their hairs were wet it was covering their face too. There were three guys and two girls , all of them looking distant but seemed to be close too.

As Sian who always tried to avoid listening to her little sister , was regretting it now for not listening to it before, there were so many plots she didn't know, so many people she didn't know at all. It's a surprise she remembers Yi Sian's character mostly because they have the same name and her little sister always teased her for this, calling her a noob character. Sian doesn't know if she should be happy or sad about it now.

The people in front of her were the ones she doesn't remember. The two girls were wearing quite sexy clothes which were black and red in colour. They were slender and shorter as they smelled of roses and lilies.

One of the guys was very tall, about 190cm or something, his biceps were threatening to rip the clothes around them and half of his face was covered in a cloth, like a mask as his hairs were tied in a bun.

The next man was quite short compared to her but still a bit taller than the two girls besides him , he gave a gloomy vibe as his long black hairs covered his face . His clothes were full in black and white colour.

And the last one , was a little taller than the gloomy guy but still shorter than Sian , like about 7 or 10 cm. He was quite slender, his waist was thin , his clothes were hiding under his black coat robe and a big hat covered his face.

Sian leaned down his see to his face but he quickly turned away , she thought she had seen him before but couldn't remember.

Remembering names , faces when meeting someone for the first time was quite hard for her until that person left a huge impact on her impression.

After showing everyone their rooms , Xi came to Sian with her junior sisters, all of them giving a bright aura which hurted Sian's eyes, like they were showing off a huge difference between them and her.

"Miss Yi , lead us to the kitchen and we will help you with the food . These are my junior sisters and they are very good at cooking too." Xi Mie showed her junior sisters to Sian as she smiled slightly, her kindness level was out of this world.

"Oh great , let's go then , I am sorry I had to make you all work even though you are my customers." Sian led them to the kitchen which was quite spacious and gave a homely vibe which was mostly because of aunty Lu .

"No no ,we were the one who bugged you and we are happy to help." Xi mei and the others look around the kitchen. "Wow this kitchen is very nice , it's giving a homely vibe."

"Well the head chef here, aunty Lu, is the one who organised everything here. She is a great person and her cooking is the best . You all will know that when she comes here. Anyway, let me show you the food materials and the pots."

Sian showed everyone the things used for cooking, all the girls washed their hands and divided the chores between them. Their team ship was very great and of course Sian wasn't included in this, all she could do was look at them and sometimes compliment them.

Sian was very tired of her, seeing that everyone was busy doing their work , she quietly got out of there. Escaping through the kitchen to the main hall.

She saw Cheng Li and his junior discussing something, Cheng Li quickly noticed Sian and greeted her.

"Miss Yi, is everything going well?"

"Oh yeah miss xi and her junior are very talented they didn't even let me work . Were you all discussing something, I am sorry if I disturbed you. I'll take my leave."

Sian turned around to go to her room to escape from more talks but was held back by Cheng Li .

"No miss Yi, it's not something that is secretive. We were talking about the mission handed by our head. You must have heard about the disappearance of the people here . We are investigating that, tonight we were going to do that but due to rain,our formation was disturbed."

"Oh! If that is so , I hope everything will work out then."

Cheng Li told Sian about his plan and everything , to this Sian thought that Cheng Li was quite simple and aloof , like who tells a stranger about their secret plan and mission who have nothing to do with this. Sian has trust issues but this man he has trust in everyone.

After a while, Sian finally managed to escape from them , she directly went to her and locked her door. Even if she didn't want to listen to someone else just talk and talk with her, it has been like this even when she was young, people around her had the tendency to tell her their worry or anything that they had in their mind but they didn't like when Sian told them about herself. So she always just listened attentively rather than saying herself. She can't deny quickly and feel guilty if she rejects someone. So she tries her best to escape without letting someone notice.

Sian , after locking herself in her bedroom, took out a pen and page and started writing her plan for tomorrow . She will be fully busy tomorrow. She had to find a jeweller, make jewelleries, Boucher, then introduce them to her employee and so many other things.

After she finished writing everything, there was a Knock on her door.

"Thak-thak , Miss Yi , the dinner is ready please come to the dining room we all will be eating there." Outside the door was the junior student of Wan sect . He was standing outside the door with an umbrella.

"Oh! Yes! I'll be there , you can go ahead." Sian hurriedly packed her things and tidied up her dress. The junior students left in the stormy weather quickly.

Sian wore her simplest dress , with a robe that reached her knees which was tied in a belt around her waist, she wore pants and light rain boots especially designed by herself. She thought about selling these in the future too.

She quickly grabbed her umbrella and headed to the inn dining hall. In the dining Hall everyone was sitting there from Wan sect's to the stranger she didn't know. They were still hiding their faces as much as they could.

Sian took her seat at the table which was placed in the centre, which made her feel very awkward and centre. The Wan sect's junior students served everyone food , as everyone started eating quickly. It was likely that they were hungry , they were roaming around everywhere to find an inn on this stormy night.

"Thanking you for making the dinner, I feel bad for making my customers make the food but this is really tasty." Sian said as she ate her food, today throughout the day , all she ate was simply rice and soup with some fried veggies, so eating this food made her day .

"No no that's okay we are the great full one that you let us stay here despite the inn being close." Xi mie said as she served Cheng Li more food , Sian could see the hearty eyes they sent to each other .

Their love story started the first time they saw each other but they never had the courage to express it or they just didn't notice their own feelings yet. As a senior students they have many responsibilities so it obvious that they don't even had the time to romance, now they are on a mission but still couldn't do that with their juniors around them sticking to them like baby chicks following their parents, unless Cheng Li and Xi mie get away from them , they could only look at each other in glances.

The five people Sian didn't know about were sitting in a corner, not talking, not much movement or anything, the only thing they did was eat.

After the dinner everyone headed back to their room, it was quite late now . The junior students of Wan sect were already sleeping, the protagonists sneak out to meet in secret and Sian went back to her room .

She was quite awake as she had the tendency to stay awake till late night, Sian using her phone that she got with her during her transmigration.

This phone was in her handbag which was transmigrated with her. Inside the bag were all the things she needed for a mission. Like a gun, bullets , torches , extra offline mobile, with a solar portable charger , tab , medicines, watch , laser and other things.

Her offline mobile was for her mission , this mobile was especially designed for the secret agents. The features of the mobile was that we don't need to use the online data network, we can do all the things offline. Phone calls , messages, watching videos, video calling and so many functions. This was designed so that if an agent is in a poor network area or a remote area , they can use their phone at any time, the tab was like that too.

Sian was watching some videos that she made. These videos were not updated as she was not in her world but the previous videos on u-tube were still there .

As she was resting on her bed as she watched her favourite video. Suddenly she heard some noise outside, Sian decided to check who it was.

She slowly got up and outside of her window, she saw a person, then she saw many more shadow type creatures, definitely not a human, following that person outside. Sian quickly closed her window and slid down on her floor, her heart beating loudly , it was her first time seeing something like this in real time. She was slightly glad they didn't come to her , but who knows when it will be her turn.

To be continued…