Chapter one

"Let go of me " I screamed out at the top of my lungs.

"Shut up you disgusting fairy" one of the men said

Yes I was a fairy, more precisely the first princess of the Fairy land Dehlia Aster fredgt and today was the day I was finally caught.

The empire of saplin was at war with the fairy kingdom and it all started when my father launched an attack on the empire so it was our fault and this resulted to the end of our kingdom and thus we needed to flee but as you can see I was finally caught and to top it up I can't use magic ,yes you read it right I am a magicless fairy with dark hair like night with glowing dark eyes . Some people even said I was a witch and my father always called me a bad luck or curse and the only people who loved me was my mother and my siblings Aurora, Aubree,Harper and Zain, and now I am alone facing this man

" My ,my ,my who is this little creature here " I heard a dark voice say " leave us " he commanded and the guards immediately let me go and left.

Looking up at him his long blonde hair which reached his back his clear green eyes which looked like evergreen trees mesmerized me

"So good to see you princess Dehlia" he said calmly hearing my name I snapped out of my trance

"You know me" I asked with a soft voice.

" Of course what husband am I not to know his wife's name" he said calmly sipping his wine

"I think you are mistaken my Lord I am not married to you nor anyone .

"Is that so" he answered coming closer to me and grabbed my face" listen woman I am your husband because I said so and I am gonna give you two choices ; one get killed for being a fairy and second be my wife.

Hearing those words I felt trapped it was either to die or marry this man" but why me and what do you want from me".

" Clever" he said letting go of my face and sitting back on his chair" I want you to bear me twelve heirs"

" What" I screamed . I've never even thought of having a child before and now to have twelve ,was this man insane?

" I need to continue my family line and if you accept I am going to find your family members and give your people a land to stay and---

"And how can I trust you" I said

" Oh " he said " I can promise on my people to furfill my promise .

After much thought I concluded to marry this man with my own conditions

" I will accept but with 3 conditions ; first bring 2 of my siblings before 2 days and secondly I want you to be the perfect father to our children protect them care for them and love them regardless of their sex and lastly I can ask for divorce anytime after birthing the children if I am not happy" I said rising up from the floor my kids can never re-live what I went through" if you abide to my conditions I will marry you

With a wide smile he held my hand and kissed it's back " as you wish my wife

After signing the contract I read my husband name " Ares Logan I read out loud wait isn't this the famous emperor of the saplin empire who defeated my father and I am married to the emperor? Oh this journey is gonna be a very long one