A hidden side

When we got back, everyone was looking lost and tired. Mason was resting his head on a desk, Axel was spacing out. Kiel lost in thought and Montez,on his system. Kim and I served everyone round and went back to our equations. I placed my coffee on the table, spacing out. I kept tapping my desk continually and didn't know when I fell asleep.

Hours later,I woke to an empty class, all I heard was a sigh of relief. I turned to Montez packing up. " Finally, you're awake, watching you sleep was quite exhilarating" he then smiled warmly at me. I blinked, what! .

He smiled. " Time" he took his bag " eleven- thirty" I jumped up, literally " huh?

He gave me a weird look " you were enjoying your sleep so....

I carried my bag while fiddling with my fingers, something I tend to do when nervous

"Were you waiting for me? He glanced at me," what do you think?

I was shocked, "why? He rolled his eyes, "believe me, I don't know" . Looking at the weather,he sighed" gonna be walking home tonight". I quickly followed him. " So Patricia, what's up with you". I grinned" so so". " Really! He turned to me with a smile, one so beautiful,I might never see it again. The world seem to stop as his eyes stared into mine, just then, I felt my self in the ending scene, where two lovers met again after many years looking into each other eyes remembering all they've gone through . Those metalic eyes shining under the moonlight. I tore away and he smiled. He then put his arm around me and walked me home. He was quiet and calm. I got lost staring. Something was off. Montez isn't one to behave like this,so what happened?

Apparently,he noticed but didn't say a word. His face was still calm ," won't you go home, it's late" I finally put the question to him.

" No" . What he said next shocked me,"I live next to you actually". I was speechless. He held my hand and throughout and when we got to my place,he patted my head before leaving.

I didn't know how long I stared till I heard a sound, I immediately climbed the back door to the attic and shut it silently. I was exhausted,I fell on the bed tired.

The hint was to begin tomorrow, apparently, the school changed their mind about the week rest.