
Our designers and artist got to work but we were hopeless as it seems. Kiel and I discussed the matter and tried a lot but no design could match the others and in less than a week, STAN ( Kim and Masons ) group released it design which won the heart of many and posed a threat to the others. The dress was simple yet elegant, enticing yet restrained. The A- list actresses,models and celebrities couldn't get enough of it but only seven were made and so not only did STAN got their bookings but also their points before anyone else.

" Damn!!

Kiel hit his hand on the table with force at the sight of yet another failed design. "We're getting no where with this. This isn't enough, did you see the dress STAN released, it looks perfect and is perfect. It got so much attention and that's what I want. We need to make this work,we need creativity not a duplicate.

I sighed as I watched him scold the designer. I fell on my chair tiredly. At that moment I needed answers. I was confused. As I laid back, Kiel mobile rang. It continued ringing and after a while, I concluded he left and picked it only to hear a familiar voice which was the breakthrough I needed.

"Kiel, how's the project" was the first word I heard. " It's fine" . I replied slyly. Nathaniel stopped " Wait, Tricia! I smiled. " Yup". I told him everything and he grinned. " Well, it shouldn't be a problem for you right". I sighed, " it is a problem. I can't think of anything at all". Nathaniel beamed " Then recover yourself and what makes you. Dive into the past and bring out the pain in form of a painting. I have to go now". He hung the call before I could retort.

Throughout the day,I couldn't get my mind off his words, what did they mean?

We were working overnight and I went to the supply room to take a look when I stumbled upon a canvas and painting equipments.

Unconsciously, I found my self sitting and drawing with an earphones blasting music into my ears. I flowed with the rhythm and painting my heart out. It felt so good being me again. Hours later, I stood and stretched and then it hit me. Recovering, painting. It all made sense now "The pain in form of a painting"

I ran out freely, feeling the wind as it hit me hard. Running, it felt like my troubles were melting away. For once, I felt free. Heaving deeply,I fell in front of my balcony. Finally. Answers.