The second lunatic twin, Damien

"Why are you covered in blood" I asked Elmer with a raised brow looking at his current condition.

His face was bruised and he had stains of blood at the corner of his lips and nose but still, he was happily munching on the food I ordered my maid to serve him.

"Was just handling some personal business you know" He replied with a stuffed mouth as he then slowly swallowed the food.

"Still you look hurt were they that strong?" I asked curiously since from the information I had gotten from my maid he was supposed to be the stronger twin.

"Nah, I was holding back and this happened I didn't know that fighting both judo and taekwondo specialists was so much fun," He replied with a smile as he now sipped wine from the cup he held.

"Anyway, how was your day?" Elmer asked looking at me curiously.

"Nothing much it was okay" I replied as I recalled today's events.

"Got into any fights?" He asked this time with a scary smile.

"Nah" I lied, I felt as though if I had told him about today's incident he was going to bother me endlessly.

"Then it must have been boring" Elmer replied as he switched his focus back to his meal.

"Oh that's right I was wondering if you could keep me company for a business tomorrow" Elmer suddenly said as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I have school tomorrow..." I said trying to convince him that I could not accompany him.

"Just miss it, I promise you would enjoy it" He pestered as I couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, I'll follow you" I finally agreed knowing that if I had refused he wouldn't give up the idea.

"Thanks for the food, I need to go get my bathe" He thanked my maid before standing up and heading upstairs.

"I'm heading out to get some fresh air I might also make a stop at the grocery store" I informed Lara, my maid before heading out of my house.

Walking along the streets I noticed that it was peaceful and quiet I liked where I lived in my past life which was hell.

You could just be in your home and some gangster would bust into it and beat you up then take all your valuables.

Well, I didn't have anything of much value but being beaten up for no reason was agonizing.

"Hey, pretty boy!" I heard someone call out to me and when I turned I saw Warren whom I had beaten up earlier today with three men dressed in suits.

I knew that he was probably here to pay back for what had happened in school today but I couldn't care less as I continued my walk and entered a nearby alleyway.

"Fool, you should have just run away," Warren said with a chuckle as he and the three suited men followed behind me.

"Still feeling high and mighty huh?, get him" Warren asked with a face full of resentment as he ordered one of the men in suit.

The man in the suit wasted no time as he immediately appeared before me and sent a fist toward my face which I barely blocked.

It seemed he was no ordinary person because his speed and strength were higher than that of a regular person.

Again a fist was sent towards my face, this time I raised both my arms in an attempt to block it only for a heavy fist to hit me in the stomach.

"Shit!" I cursed as I tried to move away from the man in suit but my view began turning.

He had swept me off my feet and immediately my body landed a fist connected to my head making it hit the floor hard forming cracks.

"Haha," Warren laughed as he walked forward only to stop right in front of me.


He sent a kick towards my stomach making me puke out the meal I had earlier today.

"Look at how helpless you are, where was your attitude from earlier today?" Warren asked as he kept stomping on my head causing blood to flow out of it.

"You..." Suddenly anger filled my body, and an unexplainable feeling of being powerless, useless, and worthless fueled my body with newfound strength.

I currently felt like the recent chains that tied me down were broken and I was filled with a different energy.

I felt excited as though I was reborn as I slowly stood up from the ground causing Warren to back away.

"Did he just break through?" One of the men in the suit asked as they could see the glint in his eyes turn red for a moment.

"I don't think so, It seems like he was hiding his real power for some reason" The other suited man replied as I slowly approached the first man in a suit.

He attempted to hit me but I easily dodged it grabbed his hair and gave him a hard slap.


Some of his teeth fell off as blood slowly dripped from his mouth, I didn't stop there as I continued with the slaps and in a minute his face was all swollen.

"Haha, who the hell wants to go next?" I laughed crazily before asking in an aggressive tone while rummaging my hair backward.


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