A conversation with your monster

Maxwell stood silent as he looked at the tall monster, Wulmar.

He looked at him and seemed calm,m yet there was a strange dark aura in him. Suddenly he started speaking with his deep voice. "Greetings human, you might already know me; yes?"

Maxwell gulped as Wulmar's voice entered his mind, his voice...deep yet calm at the same time.

Maxwell: Uh...Y-yes...

Wulmar stares at him, his long tail wagging slowly behind him. "So...How is it?" He asks suddenly.

Maxwell blinks a few times, confused. "How is it


The monster chuckled, "My power! Does it make you feel good?!" He clenches his fist with a big grin on his jagged mouth.

Maxwell nodded slightly less confused, as much as he believed Akuro's story about Wulmar. He didn't seem to be that bad.

Wulmar: D- Did you enjoy being with me?!

Maxwell chuckled a little; he didn't expect that to happen. "Ah...yeah I guess..."

Now that he thinks about it, WWulmar'sstrange terrifying aura seems to have disappeared and replaced it with a happy one. He felt strangely safe with him.

Maxwell: I had a lot of fun with you...y You're pretty strong.

Wulmar's tail suddenly wags again but faster than usual. "Yes...YES...Praise me...Praise me more!!"

Maxwell laughs uncomfortably (Okay...Someone seems to enjoy compliments a little too much...)

Wulmar: You will be more stronger as soon as you meet the others!




Wulmar chuckled as he looked at Maxwell's face. "Soon enough you will be meeting with one of the 7 monsters..!"

Maxwell couldn't believe it...there were 7 monsters left in the bracelet, so there were 8 of them!

Maxwell: What's their name...?

Wulmar chuckled again, " For now...They want their name to be private."

Maxwell is quite disappointed, it seems like he has to be patient about them. He sighs and decides to think about it for now.

Maxwell: Anyways...Why are you here?

"As your slave, I will tell you about different types of Powers I have!" Wulmar said

Maxwell: Oh that's nice- wait, slave??

Wulmar nodded "Indeed, I am your slave, human...And a strong one at that!

Maxwell looks down at the bracelet (So we call them

Slave...) he thought.

Strangely Maxwell refused to call them that; it felt weird.

Wulmar: Is there something wrong?

Maxwell: Can I just call you Wulmar..?

Wulmar tilted his head, he thought for a moment "Hm...You shall call me Wulmar if you'd like." His tail wags slowly behind him.

Maxwell nodded and he smiled "What are those powers?"

Wulmar: Well, I have different types of powers that demand Soul aura.

"Soul aura..?" Maxwell repeated.

Wulmar nodded "The soul aura is an aura that hollows have...The more soul aura you have inside your body and mind...the better!"

Maxwell listens to Wulmar's explanation. "And...what's yours?"

Wulmar chuckled "I have the power to blow a huge blast with my mouth, I have the power the tremble the ground and also--"

"P-pause!!" Maxwell stops him "You can do what?!"

Wulmar chuckled "With enough aura you can do extremely hard damage to your enemies...and there are tons of stuff I can do!"


Maxwell thought for a moment if he was training with Hiro and he wasn't tired...how much Soul aura did Hiro have?!

"How...how can I get more soul power?!"

Wulmar chuckled "I already like the way you think...More and More!!" He laughs "You need to concentrate your soul inside your body. You will feel a distant aura that will be coming inside your blood."

Maxwell nodded "I see...And how long does it take for like a soul aura that can stay for unleash hours...?"

Wulmar thought for a moment "5 years of concentration...or more."

Maxwell's eyes widen, So sensei Hiro have probably an intense Soul aura if he took that

long...Now Maxwell was a little discouraged.

"But that doesn't mean we don't have aura ourselves!" Wulmar said his tail wagging.

Maxwell looked up and saw a little hope.

Wulmar: Fusioning your blood and mine, we manage to get almost two years' worth of soul aura energy! It isn't much but we can always add more!

Maxwell smiled at Wulmar's enthusiasm. He didn't know why, but Wulmar seemed like the type of friend who didn't like to stand in the way of someone becoming stronger, even if that kind of friend seemed nonexistent

Wulmar: Now let me give the context of my power.


Maxwell sensed excitement for tomorrow bubbling within him, spurred on by thoughts of the soul aura. But there was an itch of curiosity he couldn't shake; he knew so little about Wulmar. Sure, he was aware of Wulmar's past as a king, but now that they were together, Maxwell desired more insight into his companion.

"Er... Wulmar," Maxwell began tentatively, "can you tell me more about yourself?"

Wulmar turned his gaze towards Maxwell, his expression questioning. "More? About me?" he echoed. "I don't have a plethora of tales to share, but may I inquire why you're curious?"

Maxwell scratched his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Well... I suppose I just want to spend more time with you?"

A hint of surprise crossed Wulmar's features before he burst into laughter. "Hang out with a mere king of the fight, a Hollow?" he chuckled.

Maxwell fell silent, watching the laughing creature before him. "But I'm not just a hollow, you know... I'm sort of one of your kind... in a way?"

Wulmar's laughter subsided, and his tail swayed slowly as he regarded Maxwell with a newfound solemnity. "As much as I disdain humans... I... loathe... my kind."

Maxwell look at Wulmar who seems to be angry, yet upset.

"Maxwell...i want to spend more time with you as well...But i want you to heard this...Do not trust every Hollow you see."

Maxwell's eyes widened as he heard the strange dark tone of Wilmar.

"If someone dares to hurt you...i swear..."



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