
"Wait... so you have one of the most cursed weapons, and you managed to master it by training with Hito and Akuro, who are... extremely strong people?!"

Maxwell shrugged nonchalantly. "Huh, pretty much."

Glade eyes widen in suprise "That's...insane..! How did you not die from it?!"

Glade's eyes widened in surprise. "That's... insane! How did you not die from it?!"

Maxwell, still in Wulmar form and wearing a black shirt that barely concealed his huge pecs, shrugged. "I guess I'm just lucky..."

Glade shook his head. "Dude... with a cursed weapon, there is no luck."

Maxwell frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it," Glade continued, his tone serious. "Cursed weapons are notorious for consuming their wielders, driving them to madness or worse. The fact that you're still standing, let alone mastering it, speaks volumes about your resilience and strength."

Maxwell stood silent, looking at his hands. Was this seriously all pure luck? Or something deeper?

Glade got up from the box. "Well... anyway, I have to open the shop. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with this."

Maxwell got up and clenched his fist. "It's alright. I kind of wanted to transform a little anyway."

Glade nodded and walked back to the shop, leaving Maxwell alone.


Meanwhile, back with Hito and Akuro, they were inside the house. The interior was dimly lit, with walls lined with ancient tapestries and shelves cluttered with mystical artifacts. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and a faint glow emanated from strange crystals placed around the room.

In front of them stood a figure they harbored a deep resentment for—a woman masked in a fox mask. The mask was intricately designed, with delicate patterns and glinting eyes that seemed almost alive. She wore a flowing robe adorned with symbols of power, her presence exuding an unsettling mix of grace and menace.

"It is good to meet both of you again..." she said with a strange tone of malice.

Hito growled at her, "Stop with your bullshit!"

Akuro sighed, placing a hand on Hito's arm to calm him. "Listen, Gizo... we are not here to fight."

"Ah... strange coming from one of the 'Ten Blooded Sins'," she remarked with a hint of mockery in her voice.

Hito clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing in response to her taunt. Akuro stepped forward, his expression calm yet resolute.

Akuro spoke evenly, "We're here for information, not to revisit old grievances."

The woman behind the fox mask tilted her head slightly, her gaze unwavering. "Information is a currency, and you know the price. What do you seek?"

Hito's jaw tightened, but he remained silent, deferring to Akuro to negotiate with their uneasy ally.

Akuro stepped forward, maintaining a composed demeanor despite the tension in the room. "Can you tell us about this feather?" he asked, as Hito pulled it out of his pocket and held it up for the woman to see.

Gizo looked at the feather intently, taking it from Hito's hand. "Hm... how interesting," she murmured, inspecting it closely.

Akuro stepped closer, his tone firm yet diplomatic. "So...?"

Gizo chuckled softly. "I might know what it's from... but what do I win?"

Akuro raised an eyebrow. "You said 'might'."

Gizo scoffed, her tone laced with amusement. "Even if it's a 'might,' you came all the way here for answers, yes?" Her eyes glinted mischievously behind the fox mask, clearly enjoying the power she held in this exchange.

Hito growled in frustration, but Akuro placed a calming hand on his arm.

Akuro nodded, his voice steady. "You're right... tell us what you know."

Gizo smirked beneath her fox mask. "Very well... this 'feather' is just a piece of garbage plastic." Her words hung in the air, her tone both mocking and dismissive.

Hito's frustration simmered beneath the surface, but he maintained his composure as Akuro shot him a warning glance to keep calm.

Akuro remained stoic, though his disappointment was palpable. "Are you certain about that?"

Gizo chuckled softly, her amusement evident. "Oh, quite certain. It's a common trinket, often used in children's toys or cheap decorations."

Hito clenched his fists, struggling to contain his irritation. "Why would someone use a fake feather like that in a robbery?"

Gizo shrugged casually. "Who knows? Perhaps they were trying to deceive or distract. Or maybe it's a red herring meant to throw off pursuit."

Akuro exchanged a glance with Hito, silently communicating their skepticism. "Is there anything else you can tell us?" he asked, trying to salvage something useful from the encounter.

"Fist... my payments," Gizo demanded coolly.

Akuro sighed deeply, knowing exactly what she desired. "What do you want?" he asked resignedly, aware of her penchant for extracting favors.

"I smelled something strong in the morning... something that both of you have... it was a person," Gizo continued, her tone suggestive.

Akuro's expression hardened slightly. "Hmph... knew it."

He sighed again, relenting, "Yes, we do..."

Hito's eyes widened in shock. "Akuro!" he exclaimed, clearly dismayed by Akuro's admission.

Akuro looked at Hito with concern before turning back to the woman. "What do you need from him?"

"Oh, nothing... just a study," Gizo replied casually, her tone laced with intrigue.

Hito growled defiantly, interrupting Akuro. "Never! Whatever you want to do with him, we would ne-"

"By study, you mean...?" Akuro interjected, cutting off Hito's protest and directing his attention back to Gizo, curious yet cautious about her intentions.

Gizo chuckled softly. "He has the bracelet, yes? I just want to conduct a little analysis on it."

Her tone was nonchalant, but there was an underlying intensity that made Akuro and Hito exchange uneasy glances.

Akuro sighed heavily. "Fine... I will update you."

"Tell us everything about this feather," Hito demanded firmly.

Gizo smiled behind her mask. "Very well." Her demeanor shifted subtly, indicating a readiness to share information.