
Soon the armored car was back inside the police station, and a bunch of physicians and guards in protective suits were waiting at the door.

 Waiting for the car to stop, without saying anything go up.

 Directly the savage pulled down, brought into an isolation room, will be on the body of the foul-smelling cloth stripped naked, with disinfectant water spray vigorously, the whole body cleaning!

 Immediately after that, blood was drawn and tested!

 That savage is also a blank face standing still at its mercy.

 A face full of vicissitudes of wearing a police uniform of middle-aged man (Tang He), mouth biting a cigarette, standing outside the transparent isolation room, looking at the wild man being cleaned asked.

 "Where was this captured."

 "This guy is bullish, ran inside the bathhouse near the academy, and I don't know how he got in, but it doesn't look threatening, didn't put up much of a fight, just that odor on his body is too heavy, and I don't know if it's contaminated or not." The young guard (Leroux) explained.

 "If it's a contaminated creature that broke in, get rid of it quickly."


 Just as the two were talking, a physician walked over and handed a lab result to the lead guard chief and said.

 "This guy is a human being and is healthy, not contaminated by any radiation."

 "Holy shit! The guts are so fat!" Without waiting for Tang He to open his mouth to speak, Li Lu next to him jumped up first!

 "It should be an illegal invasion, no matter how it can be determined, he's just a very ordinary person with no problems other than some malnutrition." The physician said simply.

 "Tough." Tang He nodded slightly, it wasn't too strange a thing, things smuggled from the civilian area to the rich area every year were often seen.

 "Then we'll leave first." The physician and the others turned to leave.

 "Boss, what do we do with this guy?" Li Lu couldn't help but ask.

 Tang He deeply sucked out the cigarette in his hand and said, "Find him some clothes and bring him out, prepare for interrogation!"

 "Ah! Alright!" Li Lu said back with some hesitation, his expression wasn't very happy either, this was the rhythm of having to hitch a ride on a piece of clothing.

 At this time in the isolation room being sterilized Su Bai's expression did not have any fluctuations, but inwardly there was also a burst of helplessness, as if the luck was very backward.

 Thinking of this Su Bai can not help but recall.

 Things have to start from half a month ago, in the dim and humid underground pipeline area.

 Su Bai was leaning against a damp metal wall, starving and dizzy, gasping for breath.

 The entire damp room was filled with household garbage, every now and then one or two cockroaches crawled over alertly, those cockroaches weren't even interested in rummaging through that garbage because there wasn't even a hint of it to eat.

 On the edge of the metal wall was placed a black instrument.

 Su Bai twisted his head to look at the black instrument was also very remorseful, had known that he would not defeat the old man during the simulation training, as a result, he even ran away from home in anger and did not come back.

 The original quiet life directly ended.

 At first, Su Bai thought that the old man had just gone out to sweep the graves because he would leave for a period of time at this time of the year, but once he went this time, he never came back.


 The sound of his stomach protesting kept ringing out.

 Su Bai stood up with great difficulty and re-dug through the boxes to find out if there was anything to eat.

 At this time, he found a yellowed and worn photo and an ancient medal within a corner.

 Su Bai curiously picked up the photo and looked at it, within the photo stood a pair of old people, a middle-aged couple, a pair of young children, a family of six with bright smiles on their faces, and his grandfather was among them.

 "Family photo? I looked like this when I was a kid? Doesn't seem like much."

 Su Bai muttered to himself as he flipped through the photo, only to see that the photo had Era 12034.03.12 written on it in a crooked manner.

 Soon the armored car was back inside the police station, and a bunch of physicians and guards in protective suits were waiting at the door.

 Waiting for the car to stop, without saying anything go up.

 Directly the savage pulled down, brought into an isolation room, will be on the body of the foul-smelling cloth stripped naked, with disinfectant water spray vigorously, the whole body cleaning!

 Immediately after that, blood was drawn and tested!

 That savage is also a blank face standing still at its mercy.

 A face full of vicissitudes of wearing a police uniform of middle-aged man (Tang He), mouth biting a cigarette, standing outside the transparent isolation room, looking at the wild man being cleaned asked.

 "Where was this captured."

 "This guy is bullish, ran inside the bathhouse near the academy, and I don't know how he got in, but it doesn't look threatening, didn't put up much of a fight, just that odor on his body is too heavy, and I don't know if it's contaminated or not." The young guard (Leroux) explained.

 "If it's a contaminated creature that broke in, get rid of it quickly."


 Just as the two were talking, a physician walked over and handed a lab result to the lead guard chief and said.

 "This guy is a human being and is healthy, not contaminated by any radiation."

 "Holy shit! The guts are so fat!" Without waiting for Tang He to open his mouth to speak, Li Lu next to him jumped up first!

 "It should be an illegal invasion, no matter how it can be determined, he's just a very ordinary person with no problems other than some malnutrition." The physician said simply.

 "Tough." Tang He nodded slightly, it wasn't too strange a thing, things smuggled from the civilian area to the rich area every year were often seen.

 "Then we'll leave first." The physician and the others turned to leave.

 "Boss, what do we do with this guy?" Li Lu couldn't help but ask.

 Tang He deeply sucked out the cigarette in his hand and said, "Find him some clothes and bring him out, prepare for interrogation!"

 "Ah! Alright!" Li Lu said back with some hesitation, his expression wasn't very happy either, this was the rhythm of having to hitch a ride on a piece of clothing.

 At this time in the isolation room being sterilized Su Bai's expression did not have any fluctuations, but inwardly there was also a burst of helplessness, as if the luck was very backward.

 Thinking of this Su Bai can not help but recall.

 Things have to start from half a month ago, in the dim and humid underground pipeline area.

 Su Bai was leaning against a damp metal wall, starving and dizzy, gasping for breath.

 The entire damp room was filled with household garbage, every now and then one or two cockroaches crawled over alertly, those cockroaches weren't even interested in rummaging through that garbage because there wasn't even a hint of it to eat.

 On the edge of the metal wall was placed a black instrument.

 Su Bai twisted his head to look at the black instrument was also very remorseful, had known that he would not defeat the old man during the simulation training, as a result, he even ran away from home in anger and did not come back.

 The original quiet life directly ended.

 At first, Su Bai thought that the old man had just gone out to sweep the graves because he would leave for a period of time at this time of the year, but once he went this time, he never came back.


 The sound of his stomach protesting kept ringing out.

 Su Bai stood up with great difficulty and re-dug through the boxes to find out if there was anything to eat.

 At this time, he found a yellowed and worn photo and an ancient medal within a corner.

 Su Bai curiously picked up the photo and looked at it, within the photo stood a pair of old people, a middle-aged couple, a pair of young children, a family of six with bright smiles on their faces, and his grandfather was among them.

 "Family photo? I looked like this when I was a kid? Doesn't seem like much."

 Su Bai muttered to himself as he flipped through the photo, only to see that the photo had Era 12034.03.12 written on it in a crooked manner.