
 Because anyone who dared to do so never appeared again, not knowing where to go.

 Although it was Su Bai's first time on the ground, the rules of the ground were still more or less the same as he had heard his grandfather talk about in his casual conversations.

 As for finding a job, it was even more of a small probability, every day there were a large number of idle laborers who wanted to obtain a meager job, asking from door to door, but the results often ended in failure.

 Su Bai's gaze landed on the entrance of a small store across the street, only to see a teenage gray girl sitting in front of that store.

 The girl was currently nibbling on a piece of synthetic bread.

 It seemed like it was delicious.



 Su Bai's eyes went straight as he watched, his mouth watering.

 That little girl seemed to feel a strange gaze and raised her head to look over to Su Bai's side, and instantly saw Su Bai's naked longing eyes.

 Somewhat intimidated, she hurriedly shrunk into the store.

 After that little girl disappeared, Su Bai felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and closed his eyes again in a daze, occasionally opening his eyes a few times, and vaguely seeing a skinny figure looking over to his side from time to time.

 I don't know how long he slept, Su Bai vaguely felt someone swaying in front of him.

 He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw a thin figure fleeing away in panic.

 When Su Bai completely opened his eyes and was fully awake, on the ground in front of him was a piece of synthetic bread that had been chewed on.

 At that moment, Su Bai's entire body was jolted, and he hurriedly picked it up and wolfed it down into his stomach, almost choking.

 Waiting to finish eating, the hungry stomach is not so strong protest for the time being, he leaned against the street lamp post to continue to rest, his head suddenly much clearer, in this way there is absolutely no good end, Su Bai took a deep breath, seems to have made up his mind.

 When the sky was slightly bright, Su Bai stood up.

 He began to walk towards the street storefronts and arrived in front of the first store that was hidden.

 "May I ask if you need manpower here?"

 "Hurry up! Hurry up and go! We don't need it here!" A cold voice responded to Su Bai.

 Su Bai didn't abandon the proper, but continued walking towards the next store, he knew very well that if he didn't find a way to survive now, then what would greet him would definitely be death.

 After not knowing how many times he had been rejected.

 Su Bai knocked on the door of a closed house.

 "Who are you?" An older looking man looked at Su Bai warily, although the control here was very strict, but after all, in a desperate situation, there would still be people who were desperate.

 "Hello, I would like to ask if you guys need manpower here, I can do anything, just a little bit of food will do." Su Bai said quickly, usually only having one chance to state his intentions.

 That older old man looked Su Bai up and down, looking at Su Bai's somewhat tender face, he couldn't help but sigh.

 "You wait."

 Su Bai nodded and stood in place without daring to move.

 Not long after, the old man took out half a piece of synthetic bread from inside the house and handed it to Su Bai.

 "I don't have a job for people here, and I can't afford to feed extra people, but I can give you a suggestion, you shouldn't have a citizen code, right, I see that your chest is empty, you go that way, and when you get to the end, you can see a relatively tall construction building, and you can find a way to register a citizen code there, in this way, every month you can receive at least part of a meager poverty subsidy, the Although it won't be able to completely keep you alive, but at least the probability of you surviving will be much higher now, in addition the most important point, you will have the opportunity to travel to the higher level area to seek work in the future only after you have the citizen code."

 "Thanks." Su Bai took the half piece of synthetic bread handed over by the old man, then walked in the direction of the guide.

 Looking at Su Bai's back as he left, the old man shook his head, even though he had lived for so long and had seen this kind of thing many times, sometimes he still couldn't help but be a rotten good guy.

 After walking for about three hours or so, Su Bai came to the place the old man said, it was easy to recognize, because the building was really high, and the whole building entrance, surrounded by ragged people.

 Su Bai walked over and mixed in with the crowd.

 Everyone's eyes were looking straight at the closed door.

 At this time inside came out of a man wearing a black uniform with a sharp face like a monkey's cheeks, he shouted, "Today is not for processing, all disperse!!!"

 Hearing the shout, at once everyone's eyes showed a disappointed expression, but no one dispersed, but instead sat down in place.

 It seemed like they were prepared to spend until the next day here.

 Su Bai also followed suit and sat down, simmering down the time a little bit.

 Some of those who couldn't stay up directly collapsed on the ground, of course no one would care, they had already gotten used to it.

 It did not take long for some security personnel to come in and carry away the people who fell to the ground.

 The next day at noon, the closed door suddenly opened, dozens of the nearest personnel rushed in, the door closed again.

 Immediately followed by the usual notification that they would not be processing today.

 Su Bai instantly reacted, the closer the more hopeful, depending on who stays up, thinking here he looked at the crowd in front of him, the number is too much! If there is no accident so simmer down, wait to simmer to his time, it is estimated that there is no difference with the other people who fell to the ground.

 Su Bai withdrew from the crowd, he circled around the entire closed building a few times, in addition to a small door on the side, there are no other entrances, and that small door is also guarded by the personnel, obviously does not allow uninvited people to get close to it, it should be a channel for the staff to enter and exit, and there are quite a lot of surveillance around.

 For a while Su Bai felt that he had come to a dead end, he carefully observed the entire building perimeter wall, to see if he could find a breakthrough.

 The fact is cruel, the whole building's fence is as high as 5 meters, and above all are made of sharp wire spikes, on his small body there is no hope at all.


 Dragon City F6 District (D6 District outskirts), on the barren gravel plains, a team of twenty patrol squads, dressed in dark green level 1 combat uniforms and holding different kinds of weapons, patrolled the area of the isolation wall.

 At this time, the sky had gradually darkened.

 Dragon City had an independent ecological maintenance system on top of its head, the operation time of the artificial sun was usually 6-12 hours, and the heat released by the artificial sun was not completely fixed, this depended on the geostar drift, the distance from the nearby star, when the distance from the star was relatively close to the star, the accumulator layer was full of energy, the operation time of the artificial sun would be relatively long, and the heat released would be relatively high, the temperature of the whole Dragon City would be relatively high, and the temperature of the whole Dragon City would be relatively high, and the temperature of the whole Dragon City would be relatively high. High, the temperature of the whole Dragon City will be relatively high, and the stage of reaching the peak is also called summer, and when it is far away from the star, the energy of the accumulator layer is scarce, that is, it needs to rely on the reserve energy products to supplement the time, the artificial sun will operate at the lowest power, and the heat released will also be reduced to the minimum, at this time, the whole Dragon City will seem very cold, and even be able to drop to below zero, and this stage is known as winter, and the process of change is called spring and spring, and the artificial sun will operate for a longer time, and the heat emitted will also be relatively high. The process of change was called spring and fall, so the length and change of the four seasons depended entirely on the environment of the surrounding star sea.

 Controlled fusion devices are scarce, and all of them are used by the military in special combat zones.
