Type II Fae-Blackbite Beast

 Of course, Zhou Qi was not the only one who was confused, Su Bai was also confused, the gate was even directly open, and the black crowd began to walk towards the inside!

 Su Bai also followed the crowd into the gate, his spirit has been in a trance.

 When the night gradually darkened, Su Bai walked out from inside the gate with a relaxed expression, finally it was done.

 His mood was filled with joy at this moment, he had finally successfully registered his citizenship.

 "All listen to me! You've finished registering your citizenship, immediately leave this area and go to the outer perimeter!" Captain He shouted at everyone who had finished registering.

 At once, some of the people who had finished registering and still wanted to stick around here were disappointed and left in all directions.

 Su Bai also didn't continue to stay here, but walked towards the periphery.

 Waiting until tomorrow, he would be able to head to the relief station to receive the minimum relief supplies, thinking of this Su Bai became happier and happier.

 Walking on the road, Su Bai pulled out the piece of synthetic bread that he hadn't finished gnawing from within his coat pocket and put it into his mouth and chewed it tastefully, anyway, he would be able to receive new food tomorrow, it was a rare luxury.

 Bark! Bark!

 Su Bai's mouth chewed the bread with flavor, making sounds from time to time, which seemed exceptionally clear in this silent street.

 Immersed in the delicious Su Bai, felt that the more he heard, the more wrong, this sound does not seem to come from himself, so he subconsciously turned his head to look at the dimly lit streets and alleys.

 A pitch-black figure was lying on top of a mangled corpse, the corpse's stomach was opened up with a large opening, and the bloody intestines were torn out, barf! Barking! Chewing. Its ugly and hideous head slowly lifted up, sticky liquid mixed with blood dripped down from its sharp broken teeth, and its blood-covered brutal pupils were in a four-way glance with Su Bai.

 Su Bai blinked his eyes and his mouth, which was chewing on the bread, instantly stiffened.

 He could sort of see clearly what that pitch-black figure was.

 The entire ugly head had a hole broken in it, with disgusting worms wriggling on it, and the 3 meter long body was draped in gray hairs, almost all of which were stuck together and rotting on a large scale, exuding an extreme stench and smell.

 "Type II Fae-Blackbite Beast!!!"

 Su Bai's cold hairs stood up all over his body, the synthetic bread he was chewing in his mouth suddenly stopped smelling good, and he immediately turned his head and ran! The heart fluttered! Fluttering wildly.

 The entire mind quickly recalled all the information about the Type II Fae-Blackbite Beast.

 Type II Fae-Blackbite Beast, belonging to a wolf-like mutant that had been subjected to moderate radiation, possessing agile speed and biting ability, gifted with a very sharp sense of smell, no apparent intelligence, inheriting beast instincts, in fact, the body contained a large number of pathogenic bodies, and the blood was corrosive and highly poisonous.


 Su Bai didn't turn around even knew that he was being stared at, that damn fae was actually staring at himself, he didn't turn around, instead he used all his milk strength, and thanks to the fact that he had eaten before, he wasn't too weak to run! Otherwise it would have been really miserable.

 As for things like fighting with the other side, Su Bai didn't even consider it, even if he was given a weapon, he wasn't willing to get close enough to finish that guy off.

 The so-called fae is not invincible, in fact, the power is also than before the mutation to strengthen a two or three times only, the volume is slightly larger, the skin on the body to become tougher, conventional weapons are as effective.

 But the most frightening thing about the fae is not its ability to fight, but the threat it poses after its own death.

 Fae after being killed, spattered blood has high strength corrosion, viruses and radiation, once contaminated, even if they do not die, will be tortured for life by the disease.

 And most importantly, when they die, their corpses corrode the area where they are in situ, causing large areas of contamination that are extremely troublesome to clean up.

 This is also the reason why there are more and more fallen areas, sometimes it's not that they can't be defeated, but it's useless to defeat them, the more they fight, the worse it gets.

 Just as Su Bai fought to run through one alleyway entrance after another, the afterglow in his eyes saw a different form of fae, which were frantically gnawing on the corpses in the shadowy corners.

 Su Bai fiercely sucked in a mouthful of cool air, and his entire being felt even worse.

 He finally realized at this moment that there was not a single silhouette on the outer streets of D6 district! Although night had almost fallen and most people had returned to their nests, it was too abnormal! (He had been chewing on the bread too much, and his mood was too happy to notice the difference.)

 For a moment, Su Bai had the illusion that he had come to a fallen area.

 There was another thing that Su Bai couldn't figure out, that is, the fae had already invaded into the D6 area, why didn't any alarms ring out!

 But none of that mattered, Su Bai was able to feel that the monster behind him was rapidly approaching!

 There was also the fact that his running speed was starting to drop, this sickly body really couldn't hold up anymore, no matter how desperately Su Bai tried to speed up he couldn't, his legs simply wouldn't listen to him.

 At this moment, Su Bai inwardly kept praying, in front of him, don't pop out another fae, or else he would really be finished.

 When Su Bai thought of this, he tried his best to stabilize his emotions and desperately recalled the weaknesses of the Type II Fae-Blackbite Beast!

 Weaknesses! Weaknesses!

 And his eyes kept looking ahead, recalling the terrain of this area (Su Bai had moved in this area before), looking for a corresponding method.

 Suddenly Su Bai's eyes lit up, and he burst out the rest of his strength! Accelerating his speed and running wildly.

 At a crossroads not far away, a sharp turn was made.

 A pile of garbage up to three meters high emitting an extremely foul odor appeared in front of Su Bai.

 Without even thinking about it, Su Bai scurried into the garbage pile and covered his entire body with garbage.

 And hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and nose.

 In just a few seconds, the black masticating beast ran past the trash pile!

 When the Type II Fae-Blackbite Beast tracked its prey, its thinking was inertial, and the moment it lost its target, it would continue its chase towards the front as long as it avoided its sense of smell.

 Of course, if you have the smell of blood on your body, it will be even more troublesome, after the mutation of these guys, the sensitivity to blood is super strong.

 Su Bai calmed his violently beating heart little by little.

 There was only one word in his mind!


 Just like this Su Bai hid within the garbage pile and didn't move a muscle, for fear of making a little noise and attracting monsters over and he would be finished.

 Time passed minute by minute, when Su Bai's mood completely calmed down!

 Bang! Bang!

 Suddenly a fierce shooting sound rang out from all directions!

 At the same time ear-piercing radio sounds followed.

 "Warning, due to the invasion of the fae, D6 district has entered a state of emergency evacuation, all the people should immediately go to D5 and D7 districts for evacuation."


 After hearing this broadcast, Su Bai was speechless for a while.

 If one listened carefully one would find a very interesting phenomenon, after discovering the invasion, the first direction of evacuation was surprisingly the two sides, not the inner C area.