Type III Fae-Erlikui

 A noise rang out at once.

 "What's going on." Meiruo was also startled.

 "I don't know, communications are down."

 "Order the surrounding squads to go over for support immediately!" Mei Ruo instinctively felt that something was wrong, she still had this judgment.


 "Dragon Teeth Squad 56, Dragon Teeth Squad 76, and Dragon Teeth Squad 34 immediately approach towards Dragon Teeth Squad 43 for support."

 "Received, understood!"

 Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the three squads that rushed over to support to lose contact one after another.

 "Lord Meiruo, something has happened, the support squads have all been wiped out."

 "How is that possible, immediately gather the nearby personnel." Mei Ruo felt more and more bad.

 "Going to die?" At this moment, a stern voice suddenly sounded from behind, followed by a burst of neat footsteps.

 Mei Ruo turned around and instantly saw Zhang Leng Yue indifferently walking in with his men.

 "General Zhang Ling Yue!" Mei Ruo hastily saluted.

 "There's no need to send any more people over, going would be a waste of time."

 "But just ignore it?"

 "I've already sent specialized people to deal with it, I'm taking over all command from now on, Lieutenant Colonel Mei Ruo!" Zhang Ling Yue looked towards Mei Ruo.

 Mei Ruo's body instantly went a little weak after hearing these words, but she still forced herself to reply.


 On the road leading to the D5 area, on the central street of D6, a standard squad of five wearing gray exoskeleton armor fell down, each of them carrying high-quality weapons as standard, looking even tougher than the elite Dragon Teeth soldiers.

 This was the squad from Sector G - Attack Group, codenamed Sharp Blade.

 After they landed, they sought cover nearby and hid, seemingly on guard against some terrifying existence.

 But strangely enough, the entire area was very quiet, and not a single trace of a fae could be seen.

 The captain who led the team and couldn't see what he looked like looked through the helmet scanning device, and the world in front of him became gray and white, and in the gray and white world, a red halo emanated from a building in front of him.

 Warning alerts kept popping up on the helmet's screen.

 "Warning! Scanning for high radiation source!"

 The lead captain raised his hand in a gesture before feeling his way towards the building building in front of him.

 The rest of the team members silently followed up.

 The entire squad touched closer little by little.

 Just moments after approaching! Rumble~~

 The entire wall of the building collapsed, and a giant figure emerged.

 The five members of the Sharp Blade Squad met it without any flinching.


 An explosion through the sky ignited.


 Not far away, Su Bai was lying on top of a small bungalow, setting up a light sniper, his hand shook and directly missed, and on the path of necessity to escape in the distance, the lower half of the lower body of a Type I Fae - Evil Roach was immediately punched out of a hole, Su Bai subconsciously lifted his head towards the direction of the explosion in front of him, and he could see the fire through the sky! Muttering to himself.

 "Shit? Who used a heavy weapon? So fierce? Scared me so much that I missed!"

 But soon Su Bai stopped thinking about it as he heard a commotion behind him.

 Su Bai immediately climbed up and hugged the light sniper, scattering his legs and running!

 After a few hours of fumbling, Su Bai finally familiarized himself with the weapon in his hand, and gradually became more and more accurate, finding a little confidence.

 In fact, the biggest reason why he can't shoot, or because his body is too weak to resist the recoil, bias! There was no problem in other aspects, and his shooting skills were still superb.

 After he familiarized himself with it, he basically shot a fae, of course just now it was purely a mistake!

 In addition Su Bai didn't feel happy because he killed the fae, instead he became more uneasy.

 Because the bullets in his hand were already very few, even the light sniper in his pocket only had one bullet left, and he was still a distance away from the D5 area, if he hit a few more fae, then he was not far from death.

 In the midst of anxiety, Su Bai kept running towards the D5 area demarcation line.

 The distance was narrowed down little by little.

 Just at this time!

 Rumbling loud sounds kept coming from the front! Su Bai raised his head to look ahead, the houses in the distance collapsed in a large area!

 Su Bai was also stunned, what the hell! Why is the front hitting so hard?

 For a while Su Bai was also hesitant, he looked around, it seemed like there was no other place to cross, in front of him was the center street to the D5 area.

 Thinking of this Su Bai was only able to run forward with a hard head.

 It didn't take long for Su Bai to see a five meter tall behemoth appearing in front of him!

 Type III Fae-Erlikui, a mutant that was affected by super strong radiation and evolved from unknown creatures. Rotting crocodile head, bloated body full of tough scale armor, as well as sharp claws, with a high IQ, but also able to remotely spit out corrosive liquids, the entire body exudes ultra-high intensity radiation, in the absence of any protective clothing, as long as a person is close to the five-meter range of more than a dozen seconds, and immediately die a violent death.

 See this ghost thing, Su Bai the whole person more bad, crying and muttering to himself.

 "I won't be that unlucky! Such a high-level fae has been stumbled upon by me, it can't be rushing towards me, right?"

 But soon Su Bai realized that he was overthinking.

 That Type III Fae-Erlikuu didn't see himself at all, and it swung its claws frantically towards the surroundings and swept across.

 Rumble! A large number of buildings collapsed.

 It was immediately followed by intensive shooting that hit its body.

 Su Bai hurriedly hid and carefully peered over.

 An elite squad was dodging and attacking at the same time, and from time to time, they gave that Type III Fae-Erlikui a grenade, blowing a scorched black patch on its body.

 Unfortunately, it was more than ineffective, but instead angered the Type III Fae-Erliku.

 The Type III Fae-Elikuu opened its mouth and a green liquid sprayed out.

 Those combatants lunged and rolled in a tumble, woefully dodging the attack.

 Su Bai's eyes rolled, touching his chest, secretly thinking, "This is an opportunity, that monster is entangled, hurry up and take advantage of the opportunity to slip through the side."

 Thinking of this Su Bai kept observing the terrain in front of him.

 At once, he saw an alley.

 Su Bai swallowed hard and touched his head a little bit, preparing to go around from there.

 Everything went very smoothly, Su Bai managed to touch the alley, he whispered to himself.

 "After holding on for a little while longer, old me will be able to pass through! Blessings give some strength!"


 A mournful scream suddenly startled Su Bai.

 Su Bai turned his head violently to look, only to see that the lower half of the body of a member wearing exoskeleton armor was directly trampled!

 The remaining three members of the entire squad had also fallen, leaving only one member still struggling to hold on, but it looked like he could not hold on any longer.

 Su Bai looked at the light sniper in his hand and cursed in a low voice, ''Really going crazy! It's about to pass, but it fell off the chain at the critical moment!"

 After saying that, Su Bai immediately set up his light sniper and aimed it at the Type III Fae-Erliku.

 If that guy hung up, there would be no one to attract that monster, it really was bad luck!!!!

 Without the cover of his teammates, the Type III Fae-Erlikui went crazy and unleashed a fierce attack on the only remaining prey.

 "Sharp Blade Squad calling for backup!!!"

 The figure, who was dodging in a sorry state, called out urgently.

 "Hold on Han Qi, support will be here soon." Zhang Ling Yue's calm voice responded.

 "Lord Zhang Ling Yue!" Han Qi gritted her teeth and replied back, unable to stop speeding up her pace.

 Unfortunately, it was still too late, a huge shadow instantly enveloped Han Qi, who for a moment looked in panic at the close Type III Fae-Erliku, only to see the Type III Fae-Erliku raise its huge claw and sweep it across.


 Without any surprise, Han Qi was slapped out like a bowling ball!

 It hit heavily on a metal wall.

 Immediately, the entire metal wall was dented with a deep pit.

 Han Qi landed on the ground and staggered up, his entire exoskeleton armor cracked.

 The Type III Fae-Erlikuu walked up to the crippled prey.

 Opening its bloody mouth!


 There was a splash of viscous liquid!

 Type III Fae-Erlikuu's left eyeball was instantly blown out!

 The Type III Fae-Erliku let out an ear-piercing scream.

 Seeing this, Han Qi endured the intense pain in her body and turned around to run.

 Meanwhile on the other side, Su Bai was dumbfounded after firing his gun.

 "So uncouth? Surprisingly ran away!"

 After saying that without saying a word, he directly dropped his light sniper and ran wildly towards the defense line regardless of everything!

 On the other hand, the Type III Fae-Erliku quickly slowed down, and the only remaining eye looked into the gloomy alley, and as a result of seeing nothing, it opened its bloody mouth and let out an angry roar.

 Following closely! Towards Han Qi, he chased after her.