
 Su Bai curiously followed the soldiers, they gradually walked towards the edge of the D6 area, if it wasn't for the fact that the ones leading the group were regular soldiers, Su Bai was a bit skeptical if he had met a liar, soon they walked to the edge of the D6 area, where an open transportation vehicle was waiting for them.

 "Go up!" The soldier leading the group said simply.

 Su Bai and the others climbed up.

 Soon the transportation vehicle started up and traveled over towards the F6 area.

 Along the way Su Bai curiously looked at the F6 area, it was deserted, there was only rubble and no buildings could be seen.

 However, the entire deserted F6 area, at this time was stationed by an integrated army troops, everywhere is wearing protective clothing soldiers, and the plain was circled one isolation area, each isolation area a large number of people in the dark green moss-like plants laid on the surface.

 Su Bai took a look at those dark green moss plants and was also very surprised.

 That wasn't Chenos moss? Where did they get it, this thing is used to absorb radiation and pollution, the most cost-effective vegetation, they can absorb a large number of pollutants by absorbing them, and then grow like crazy, when it grows to a certain volume, it will quickly wither, and the withered material will be knotted into a piece, this time it will be good to concentrate on recycling and processing and utilization.

 Soon the transporters arrived at a camp, where quite a few transporters had already gathered, and all the ones pulled on them were cheap laborers.

 The soldier leading the group said very briefly to Su Bai and the others.

 "You guys wait here, soon someone will come to arrange what you guys will do, at that time you will do whatever you are told to do, you will do whatever you are told to do, you are absolutely not allowed to run around, I'm not kidding you, this area is now in a state of control! If you are judged as having special suspicions, the patrolling soldiers have the right to make a judgment, at that time, if you are misjudged, you may be shot on the spot!"

 Su Bai and the others hurriedly nodded their heads.

 After the explanation, the soldier turned around and left.

 Su Bai and the others then crouched on the ground waiting for someone to come and arrange them.

 At this time a deafening roar sounded in the distance.

 Su Bai curiously raised his head to look and wiped his eyes, what's the situation?

 Only to see a cross-country jeep traveling in the lead, with a young commander with sunglasses sitting on the passenger side of the car.

 Behind them is followed by a ten meter long heavy truck, all of which are fully loaded with lightly loaded -U03 Sentinel Defender air defense missiles!

 This is to blockade the air units?

 Can't figure out what the hell to do? Su Bai became more and more confused.

 Without waiting for Su Bai to figure it out, a middle-aged uncle with disheveled hair and heavy dark circles under his eyes, looking very unkempt, came over and said with a yawn.

 "Come with me."

 Su Bai and the other twenty people immediately followed.

 Walking on the road the scruffy middle-aged uncle in front of him said listlessly.

 "I'll take you to the No.2 transit area, you're responsible for loading and unloading the goods over there, and don't run around, that side is very close to the area of the broken barrier wall, it's all manned by heavy tanks and a large number of soldiers, if you mess around, they can really be a little bit of mercy will not be spoken."

 Hearing this Su Bai instantly understood what was being done here, the broken isolation area was being repaired here.

 No wonder that fat man Lei Dong who recruited people said that it would be dangerous, working right at the edge of the fallen area, could it not be dangerous?

 But coming over have come, Su Bai was not too scared, after all, compared to the previous danger, it was nothing.

 At the edge of the F6 area, a gap of up to a thousand meters long, and the exposed steel layer inside the collapsed isolation wall was corroded with holes.

 The containment wall was divided into three layers in total! The core center layer was poured into steel, the first layer was a special coagulation poured cement layer, and the outermost layer was a rubble accumulation layer!

 The collapsed rubble of the wall could no longer be used, and was all pushed out by machinery!

 They themselves had been infested with radiation after a long period of radiation.

 At the gap, rows of Tiger HDV-03 tanks and Spider ZTK-01 Brutalizers, as well as rows of soldiers, formed a semi-circular temporary defense line in place of the barrier wall.

 Meanwhile not far away a hundred meter high melting machine roared, operating 24 hours a day.

 There were constantly elevated transport trucks driving over, pouring tons of refined ore into the smelting machine.

 The hot steel liquid was melted out.

 It was then transported away by specialized machines, and under the guidance of engineers, the gap was re-poured little by little!

 Huge waves of heat rose up!

 The entire area was covered in smoke!

 "This fae riot is said to be accidental as well as inevitable, the quarantine wall has long been corroded and tattered over the long years." On a huge rock, Han Xin looked out over the gap and said with a bit of a sigh.

 Zhang Wei who followed behind said somewhat nervously, "In fact, this is not something we can predict, there is no way for this to happen, and it is estimated that it won't take long to fix it, we still don't want to get too close, the radiation over there is a bit over the limit, which isn't good for the body, and with the temperature here so high, it's very easy to attract the xenos to raid here again. "

 "We are here to supervise the work, if we are afraid, how can we supervise the work? And since everyone operating down there isn't afraid, there's even less reason for us to be afraid."

 "That's right, I'm not scared at all, it's not because I'm worried about you." Zhang Wei awkwardly replied back.

 At this time a young officer walked over at a brisk pace, saluted Han Xin and said somewhat nervously.

 "Lord Han Xin, there's a problem."

 "It's not fine, what went wrong? And it seems like we're in charge of supervising the construction, not in charge of directing it." Zhang Wei's face wasn't very good when he heard this, he really was afraid of what would come.

 "Yes ...," the young officer in front of him didn't know how to answer for a moment.

 Han Xin raised his hand to signal Zhang Wei not to speak, then said to the young officer in front of him.

 "Go ahead, what went wrong."

 "It's not that something went wrong with the restoration project, it's that there's not enough ore for refining! We will soon run out of ore to smelt and pour!" The officer in front of him said anxiously.

 "What are you saying? How is that possible?" Han Xin was also very shocked that there were no materials for repair, this was a terrible thing, once the construction was not able to be carried out as scheduled, when the fallen area outside this broken area regrouped new fae (the fae that originally inhabited it were basically wiped out in the invasion), they would definitely impact this place, which was why the repair had to be scrambled.

 "Really, the current pile of ore in the staging area only has enough to last until tomorrow afternoon!" The young officer in front of him anxiously explained.

 "Have you communicated with the logistics department?" Han Xin calmly inquired.

 "It's already been communicated, and they said that the earliest they can send it over will be seven days later."

 "Kidding! Seven days! The yellow flowers have gotten cold, are they doing this on purpose?" Zhang Wei was all a bit unable to look at it.