Wang Yao

 Inside a spacious classroom at Dragon City's highest military academy, the students were all mingling with each other and whispering and muttering.

 "Isn't today the first day of school resumption? How come the teacher hasn't come yet?"

 "I also find it strange, it's not like his style."

 "Something shouldn't have happened."

 "It's hard to say, I heard that the situation hasn't been very stable lately."

 "This I know, I heard that the bottom D6 area was almost breached by the fae, it's really scary."

 Just as the students in the classroom were gossiping in low voices.

 Wang Suo pushed open the hidden door and walked in, the students naturally quieted down, Wang Suo walked to the podium and somewhat tiredly said to the students below.

 "There is something to tell you guys."

 "What is it? It can't be another vacation, right? We've been on vacation long enough, this isn't good." A cheerful young male student smiled back.

 "You guys are overthinking it, I'm just here to tell you guys something that is very important and an opportunity for you." Wang Suo had a very deliberate expression, as if he was about to announce something significant.

 Seeing Wang Suo's expression, everyone put away the relaxed look on their faces, what kind of person their mentor was, they knew best.

 "All of you are the key cultivators of our academy, each one of you is a pillar of the future, the council has passed a recent decision and decided to reopen the mecha discipline!!!" Wang Suo's pale face announced with a hint of complexity.

 Hearing Wang Suo's words, the crowd exploded! A stunned expression appeared on their faces!

 "How is that possible!"

 "Wasn't that banned?"


 The blue-haired girl sitting in the corner couldn't help but have her bland face moved a bit, and was also a million times more shocked.

 The textbooks of the history subject, but it was clearly written that mecha technology was one of the reasons that once led to the civilization catastrophe, and this technology was strictly banned! No one was allowed to get their hands on it! Development!

 Wang Suo stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, he then said.

 "This is the resolution of the council, the executive order will soon come down, a total of three colleges will be opened on a pilot basis, of which our Dragon City Supreme Military Academy is one of the three pilot colleges! The other two remaining academies, are located in the Cang Dome City Supreme Military Academy, the Iron City Supreme Military Academy, and our academy pilot mech discipline is just one batch, that is, one class, with a total quota of 20 people, of which 10 quota are guaranteed by the military department, 5 quota are pushed by the council, and 5 quota will be selected from within our academy, these five quota are your opportunities. "

 "This is too little!" The entire class crowd said back after returning to their senses, knowing that there were at least 5000 students within the entire military academy, which meant that the entry rate was only one in a thousand!

 "Yeah, it's too little ..."

 "Silence!" Wang Suo interrupted the students' dissatisfaction.

 "This itself is an experiment, so the number of people will not be a lot, there is also the choice of this path, is destined to be very arduous and dangerous, once graduated will also shoulder a heavier responsibility, you do not just see its surface scenery, think about whether you have that determination to be able to do it, if you can be firm in your beliefs, prepare well, the examination is scheduled for one month later." Wang Suo said hoarsely, in fact, he himself did not really agree with this plan, in his eyes this is to open the new Pandora's Box.

 "Yes! Teacher!"

 "Good if you understand, everyone study by themselves, Wang Yao you go out with me." Wang Suo said expressionlessly.

 The blue haired girl sitting at the end stood up and followed Wang Suo out.

 When Wang Suo and Wang Yao left, a few students within the class muttered, "Wang Yao shouldn't be internalized, right?"

 "Whether she's internalized or not, it doesn't really make a difference, she was originally a few of the most outstanding in the academy, within the five slots, how could she not be missing."

 "Also ..."

 A few days later, inside the D6 district house, Su Bai lying on the bed did not want to move, next to the table placed twelve synthetic bread, this time a total of fifteen days of work, in front of him these are his compensation, simply low to the hair, but at last it is safe to come back, of course in addition to this, is not completely no other gains, at least Su Bai knows that the gap in the F6 district has already been made up, for the time being, the D6 district is safe.

 Thinking of this Su Bai sat up, picked up a synthetic bread and nibbled a few bites, not having to worry about food is really the most wonderful.

 After eating, Su Bai planned to stroll around the streets and purchase some things on the way.

 After this job, Su Bai had finally figured out one thing, pure labor was completely worthless in Area D, he needed to upgrade himself.

 So Su Bai carefully took out his stash of money.

 Looking at the 280 dragon coins, Su Bai gritted his teeth and took away 230 dragon coins to put on himself.

 After more than half a month's time, except for some broken areas that were still being repaired, the D6 area had gradually regained its previous appearance, after all, the people who lived here had long been accustomed to life and death, and those who were alive still had to continue to survive.

 Su Bai walked towards the center of the D6 area, in the center of the D6 area there is a small piece of more prosperous area, where some of the more high-end things are sold.

 The center street was very crowded, and all the stores on both sides were open.

 Basically, all the daily necessities were covered, and occasionally, they were able to see a few stores that were a little bit more advanced.

 Su Bai walked along the way while looking at the surrounding stores, how to look at them was all very novel.

 It's a pity that there are no stores that sell weapons, otherwise Su Bai would really want to get an automatic pistol for self-defense, that's a necessity!

 But in fact, Su Bai can only think about it, he simply does not know, all the people who live in the D area is not allowed to hold firearms, theoretically only C area and above people can be qualified to apply for firearms, of course, can not be approved is another matter.

 At this time, there was a commotion in front of the crowd, and people along the street subconsciously stepped aside.

 Han Qi was wearing a black leather jacket with a gun on his waist, walking down the street with an indifferent face.

 Some of the more curious people on the street stole a few glances, like thieves, feeling like they were seeing some rare animal.

 Han Qi had long gotten used to those strange glances, and the reason why she returned to D6, an area that was very bad for her, was to seek confirmation of one thing.

 Su Bai looked at the surrounding stores while not caring in the slightest about the crowd's abnormality, and walked directly alongside Han Qi, who was walking from the front.

 The two brushed shoulders.

 As Su Bai walked forward, he saw a store that looked quite upscale, and his eyes couldn't help but light up and stop.

 This should be the bookstore that the old man had once spoken of!

 The old man had once said that in order to improve oneself or if there was anything you didn't understand, go to the bookstore, there were answers to everything in this world.