Bitter Reading

 Along the way Su Bai holding heavy books, returned to his own house, he will be a book on the table, looking at the eyes of half a person high pile of books, Su Bai although very meat pain those money, but also do not regret it, after all, without pay there is no return, he then rummaged through the stash of money, leaving the house.

 That is, more than an hour later, Su Bai holding a huge plastic box back.

 He opened the box, inside placed fifty synthetic bread, and 10 bottles of 500ML water, those water bottles with labels printed on them, third grade drinking water, this world's water is also divided into grades, third grade drinking water is the lowest level, it's defined as not obviously harmful to the human body, this level of water is the general water of the D area.

 This trip to purchase enough to spend Su Bai 10 dragon coins, but Su Bai is not at all painful, these are all necessities.

 After the preparation, Su Bai stretched his waist and moved his muscles, he was ready to close the door and cultivate, the old man had once warned him, eat the bitter, only to be a man, want to be successful certainly need to put in the effort.

 These books in front of him, is Su Bai's knocking brick, Su Bai believes that as long as he reads these books, he can definitely find a secure job, not to say can also walk on the pinnacle of life.

 Thinking of here, Su Bai said do it!

 Soon Su Bai pulled out a book and began to bury his head in hard reading!

 Inside the office of the administration building of the Dragon City Center, Han Wei had his head lowered and was busily dealing with the documents, with half-meter high documents piled up next to the table.

 The capable middle-aged female secretary pushed open the door and walked in.

 Giving Han Wei a salute, she spoke, "Lord Han Wei, Su Boqi (Councilor), Zhao Mingdong (Deputy Mayor of Longcheng), and so on, are all waiting outside to see you."

 "He Xiang, tell them to relay through you if there's anything, and disperse if there's nothing." Han Wei didn't even raise his head and returned indifferently.

 "This, I'm afraid they won't listen to me, Lord Hanwei you know very well what they are here for." He Xiang shook her head.

 Han Wei put down the pen in his hand and raised his head, a slight movement in his cloudy eyes, and finally spoke.

 "You tell them that they want the quota to fight for it themselves, the rules for fighting for it are clear to them, if they can't even fight for it now, then when they are cultivated, the sacrifice will only be a matter of time, this world won't show any mercy with you."

 "Understood." He Xiang nodded and turned around to walk out.

 In District D6, Su Bai nibbled on synthetic bread and finished reading the last book of the Complete Basic Theory of Mechanical Conduction under his panda eyes.

 He exhaled a long breath, the books he had picked out were finally finished.

 It had taken him more than twenty whole days! His eyes were almost blurry!

 Immediately after that, Su Bai's eyes fell on the last book, the crushing treasure that cost him most of his wealth to purchase!

 Su Bai took that book of the four palaces and placed it in front of his eyes.

 With a hint of excitement, he opened the pages of the book.

 Su Bai looked at this entire book of the four palaces in front of him with a serious face, he had to say that the material and workmanship of this book was much more advanced than the other books he had purchased, and it was also sandwiched with a large number of exquisite illustrations.

 Su Bai read it very seriously.

 Time passed by second by second.

 Su Bai's face became more and more odd and puzzled as he continued to persistently read down the page.

 Soon a night passed.

 When the sunlight of the dawn of the next day poured in, only Su Bai's face was flushed and his eyes were slightly red.

 He took a deep breath and closed the books, he had actually -overnight- finished reading!

 Su Bai couldn't help but exclaim, "Good book!"

 Although he didn't understand the content inside at all, Su Bai was very sure that the waitress hadn't lied to him, this book was really a fine one! The blood churned and surged all over his body as he watched, it was really amazing! It was simply marvelous!

 Su Bai carefully put this book away, and came back to study it properly!

 Then Su Bai looked at the synthetic bread placed within the corner, there was not much left, Su Bai stroked his chin, it was almost time, he was also considered to be out of the gate!


 Su Bai touched his stomach, yesterday he was so focused on reading that book that he forgot to eat.

 He picked up a piece of synthetic bread and a bottle of water and started to nibble on it.

 Of course he didn't intend to sit and eat at home, when he finished eating he was going to go out and officially start looking for a job.

 It didn't take long for Su Bai to finish eating, he pushed open the door of his room and walked out.

 Su Bai didn't take the primitive method of asking from house to house this time, he now had a targeted choice.

 It was too difficult for a low class laborer to find a job, but he was different now, how could he be considered as someone who had read a book.

 He was going to have to apply for jobs at those repair stores!

 Su Bai was full of confidence!

 A few hours later, Su Bai stood in front of a very small repair store.

 "How many years of repair experience do you have? Where did you work before? What have you repaired?"

 "Uh, none of it."

 "Roll! Make fun of us!"

 "I really can."

 "I can, my ass! Get outta here! Get outta here! Really bad luck, listening to your nonsense here."

 Su Bai was blown out in a sorry state, he also had a helpless expression on his face, he could only continue to walk towards the next house.

 Two days later, Su Bai couldn't remember how many times he had been rejected, when he was hungry he sat on the side of the street and pulled out a piece of synthetic bread to nibble a few bites.

 He was also feeling very pitiful!

 The old man tricked him! Reading books was simply useless! People didn't recognize that at all, only experience! The problem was that without a job, how could one have experience? Thinking about it, Su Bai felt like he was back at a dead end.

 It's been two days since he found a job, if he continues like this, the food in the house is almost finished, he can't continue to consume it, right?

 "How about continuing to do hard labor? But this doesn't seem to be too good, how they are also considered to have read books and have skills, isn't it a little ...?" Su Bai's expression was a bit tangled.

 A few moments later, Su Bai was lined up within a team of hard laborers on the street. (How fragrant!)

 Soon it was Su Bai's turn, and the one picking the manpower was a woman who looked a bit mean.

 Looking at Su Bai's thin figure, he said: ''So thin, don't! Don't! Next!"

 The corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched after hearing this.

 He hung his head and walked out, feeling that he had thought too much and was not even qualified for hard labor.

 Su Bai let out a long sigh.

 "Ai! Forget it!"

 Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Su Bai shook his head, today is estimated to be another day of busy work for nothing, forget about it and go home first.

 Thinking here Su Bai walked towards home.

 Walking on the road, Su Bai saw that the corner in front of him was unusually lively, lined up with quite a few people! It's a match with the last time he entered the line that recruited hard laborers, there's work again? It's not right, the gaps in the F6 area are all fixed.

 Forget it, queue up first! Let's talk about the rest later.

 Thinking of this Su Bai jogged over and lined up in the last place.

 And when Su Bai lined up, he realized that standing in front of him was a big strong man, fully a head taller than Su Bai.

 Moreover, all the people in the queue were dressed well.