
 A dusty gate in a dusty part of Dragon City slowly opened, emitting a loud buzzing sound, Han Wei stood in front with his hands behind his back, followed by rows of officers, among them Zhang Lingyue stood just to the right, his bland eyes revealing a hint of frenzied throbbing.

 Not to mention the other officers, almost all of them did not hide the ecstasy on their faces!

 The long-sealed mecha had finally opened!

 The mechs and technologies of the Dragon Summer Republic were sealed in different areas at different levels, of which Dragon City was a sealing point, while the initial mechs and technologies obtained by Dragon City's Supreme Military Academy would be obtained from their own city's sealing point.

 That is to say, the mecha models and technologies of the three academies would still be a bit different.

 Han Wei led the way and the crowd came inside a huge steel warehouse.

 There were huge steel containers placed inside! No more, no less, a total of 20 units, and a safety control device was placed in the very center.

 "This is the Dragon City No. 1 storage site? So many mechs in such a large warehouse?" An old man wearing a lieutenant general's costume, with a hideous scar on the left side of his face, looked around and said with some disappointment as his eyebrows moved slightly.

 "There's a problem? Lieutenant General Zhang Tie Yi? Have you forgotten the existence of the Glory Agreement (Glory Agreement, an agreement on the sealing and destruction of forbidden weapons spearheaded by the Dragon Summer Republic (parliamentary system), Euromythic Empire (constitutional monarchy state), and Kimik Empire (imperial system))?" Han Wei returned with an expressionless face.

 "This I certainly won't forget, I just think it's a bit less, why don't we open up the warehouses further down the bottom?" Lieutenant General Zhang Tie Yi looked at Han Wei.

 "Don't you understand the principle that you can't chew on more than you can chew? Wanting to run before you've learned to walk, that's how out of control human desires are." Han Wei's sharp gaze swept over Lieutenant General Zhang Tieyi.

 The left side of Zhang Tieyi's face was twitching, if someone else had said this to him, he would have slapped him across the face, but he really didn't have the guts to face Han Wei, he just suppressed his irritation and said back, "Isn't it for fear of lagging behind others in the reboot program? Maybe the other two test sites unseal more advanced mechs and technologies."

 "All we have to gain is just the foundation, opening more won't help, taking out technologies that have been proven wrong will only affect our new choices and pace! Mecha technology reboot, to choose a safe route of development again, not for you to copy and use!" Han Wei said solemnly.

 Hearing this, Lieutenant General Zhang Tieyi stopped saying anything and had nothing to say in rebuttal.

 Han Wei walked towards the center's sealing platform and took out a special string of keys from within his sleeves, he came in front of the sealing platform, inserted the key and entered the complex secret key on the original mechanical combination lock on it.


 The entire surface of the Containment Table began to crack, and a sheet of templates composed of special metals was exposed, all of which were the most primitive compositional information of the mecha.

 Han Wei waved his hand.

 "Take it away!"

 D6 District Garbage Recycling Plant, Su Bai came very early in his uniform, and this time, he also made a bloody effort to use several bottles of water to clean himself up a little, or at least much cleaner.

 Mundine saw Su Bai and walked up with a smile on his face.

 "So early!"

 "First day at work, can't be late." Su Bai said back.

 "Young people are just energetic, come with me, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the recycling plant." Meng Ding said enthusiastically, more or less showing Su Bai's favor.

 "Okay, thanks." Su Bai said back very politely.

 Meng Ding led Su Bai towards the backyard of the recycling plant, piles of garbage that were five to six meters high.

 "These are all transported yesterday, and also the garbage that has not been classified, in addition to the courtyard that has a storehouse, are used to load the classified garbage, and our work is very simple, is to classify the garbage, pick out the most valuable things inside, and our salary commission, also with the number of classified out of the garbage is also linked to the number of garbage, specifically I will give you a commission table, each kind of garbage's division is not the same, for example, the iron type of division is not the same, for example, the iron type of garbage is not the same. The same, for example, for the iron type's share, we can mention 0.1 dragon coins for one ton, for the copper type's share, we can mention 1 dragon coin for one ton, I won't say more about the specifics, you turn around and take a look for yourself."

 "Understood." Su Bai nodded heavily.

 "Of course if you find that you can't understand the material, you can always come and ask us, we will teach you, in addition because you were brought by the boss himself, there is no internship period, but there is one thing that I still have to tell you, there are sometimes dangers amongst the garbage recycling, so make sure to bring protective gloves, sometimes the garbage is mixed with corrosive or radiated things within the garbage The garbage collection plant is a little different from other plants in that we sometimes collect waste from the military department! This is also why our salary is so high, there is also a very important point, because most of the things we recycle come from the rich area and the military department, and often sort out the expensive goodies, these things belong to the company according to the regulations, absolutely not allowed to be privatized, or else the consequences will be very serious, the lesser case will be dismissed, and the heavier case will be sued!" Meng Ding said very seriously.

 "I understand." Su Bai nodded.

 "Our working hours are not fixed, if there is nothing going on, it's usually from nine in the morning to six in the afternoon, and if there is work, it's basically just done before we can leave."

 "No problem." Su Bai didn't care at all, jokingly a month ago, the hard labor work he did was 16 hours a day.

 "Here, any problems, you can come to me." Meng Ding brought Su Bai to chat, and gradually it became less awkward.


 Three hours later, just as Meng Ding was explaining some precautions to Su Bai.

 Du Shuang walked over and shouted, "It's time to eat!"

 "It's meal time, let's hurry up, by the way let me tell you something, our food welfare here is very good, meals are enough, eat as much as you want!" Meng Ding said to Su Bai.

 Su Bai's eyes lit up! "Really?"

 "I can't lie to you, go! Go eat, but you can't eat much with this body." Meng Ding said carelessly.

 A few moments later, inside the large cafeteria, more than fifty muscle-bound men, surrounded Su Bai and looked dumbfounded.

 Sister Du's mouth couldn't even close.

 Only to see Su Bai in front of two iron pots as big as face pots, with a dozen or so synthetic breads and thin soup (synthetic powder soaked) inside, burying his head and eating bitterly!

 The corner of Meng Ding's mouth twitched with difficulty and asked Du Shuang in a low voice.

 "Sister Du, how many is this?"

 "I can't count, anyway, the thief can eat, one person's meal catching up with four people's!" Sister Du was like seeing a monster.

 The second dog and the third dog looked at Su Bai with a face of adoration, such a small body so able to eat, not afraid to prop themselves up.

 Zhang Jian lined up a slap on his own forehead and breathlessly returned, "It's thanks to the boss himself who brought him back, whoever recruits him in will still be scolded to death, and before the work is done, he will eat us down first."