Rescue 3

 It didn't take long for the door of the office to be pushed open, Zhang Ling Yue walked in with a somewhat somber look, He Xiang naturally stepped back to the side, what happened next was not something she could get involved in.

 "What are you doing here, if I were you, I'd stay at the site and sit down now." Han Wei said as he lowered his head and continued to look at the tectonic diagram, not even raising his head to look at Zhang Lanyue.

 Zhang Ling Yue suppressed his inner anger and asked Han Wei in a deep voice.

 "Lord Han Wei, don't you think that the order you issued was a bit hasty and lacking in consideration?"

 "I don't think there's any problem."

 Hearing Han Wei's words, Zhang Lingyue's steely eyes showed a hint of angry fluctuation as he said to Han Wei, "Your starting point is good, but it's clear that this collapse is not an occasional accident, nor is it a so-called age-old collapse ..."

 "What are you going to tell me? That there's a high probability that it was caused by advanced fae?" Han Wei paused and raised his head to look at Zhang Lingyue.

 "If you are clear about it, why are you still doing it? When you gather people like this and the ones who respond are ordinary people, what danger will they face? You should know very well that this behavior is very foolish."

 As soon as Zhang Lingyue heard Han Wei's words, he immediately caught the hidden meaning in his words, his eyes stared straight at Han Wei, he wanted Han Wei to give an explanation or withdraw his unwise resolution.

 "I know." Han Wei still said back in a nonchalant manner.

 "Then why!" Zhang Lingyue was a bit confused.

 Han Wei took out a list from the table and handed it to Zhang Ling Yue, "This is the list of passengers on the train, take a look."

 Zhang Ling Yue took the list, only to see that the first line of the list had a striking name written in red pen.

 Major General Ye Ying!

 Zhang Lingyue's expression was suddenly constantly shifting!

 Han Wei continued, "She's different from the others, you should have more or less heard of her, she's the trainee vice-captain of the Cang Dome, not an ordinary Rear Admiral, and one of the future alternate captains of the Cang Dome, there's no need for me to explain what the significance of the Cang Dome is to us, there's no need for me to explain it, and there's no need for me to say more about the existence associated with it and how much weight and value it has, right? "

 Zhang Leng Yue felt some dryness in his throat, after a long time he asked hoarsely.

 "Then why must there be so many people? Could it be able to come in handy?"

 Han Wei waved his hand and the virtual image in front of him expanded to show in mid-air.

 "The latest survey results, the train is trapped in an area 72 kilometers away from Dragon City, but the scope of the collapse is a full 300 kilometers in scope, which means that the C103 tunnel is a multi-fault collapse, and even the area around the tunnel is also collapsing, we want to simply dig a passageway to get in is impossible, the interior is already very fragile, and a single digging approach will result in a secondary collapse So only from F`1, F2, F3, three points by different lines into, in these seven points to erect support points, to be able to ensure that the center of the main line dug in, and we have a very limited time, and due to the complexity of the internal terrain, only a small number of machinery to enter the operation, in this case do not use manpower, with what?" Han Wei said in the end, directly dumped the question to Zhang Ling Yue.

 Zhang Liangyue, his hand hanging down, could not help but clench into a fist!

 The bones made a cackling sound.

 "I understand! But that's no reason why we can deceive them, we're soldiers!"

 Han Wei slowly sat down, he wasn't angry at Zhang Ling Yue's backtracking, he simply said, "I'll tell all those involved, its specific dangers, they have the power to choose freely, as for their safety, it's up to you!"

 Zhang Lingyue's forehead veins all emerged as he finally saluted Han Wei and said, "I will!"

 Afterward, Zhang Lingyue simply turned around and left.

 Looking at Zhang Ling Yue's back, He Xiang asked with some hesitation, "Lord Han Wei, is this good? Will it contradict his principles?"

 "Principles are important, but sometimes reality is more important!" Han Wei returned with an expressionless face, looking as if he was answering He Xiang's words, but in fact, it was more like an answer to his own heart.

 In District D6, the recycling factory was unusually lively for a change.

 Su Bai and the others stood together, looking curiously at the sudden visitor, a greasy fat man.

 It was unfortunate that Su Bai really knew that fat guy.

 Wasn't that guy Lei Dong who recruited laborers before? Why did he come to the recycling factory, I don't know what he came to do, and he was sweating profusely chatting with Li Qiong.

 Su Bai curiously asked Meng Ding who was on the side.

 "Uncle Meng, that's?"

 "Lei Dong, the head of the logistics department of the military ministry, specializing in some tricky emergency things, is a veteran, in the past, the relationship with us was okay, but this time, by the looks of it, it is estimated to hit a wall." Meng Ding said back with certainty.

 Su Bai seemed to understand and nodded his head.

 At this time, Lei Dong almost said to Li Qiong in a pleasing tone, "Elder Li, you just help me, that side is in a hurry with their noses smoking, I really have no way to come over, just look at the face of all the compatriots who are suffering, give a hand."

 "I didn't fail to respond to the call, pull away whatever machinery you want! But there are no people to be had!" Li Qiong didn't give any mercy at all.

 "Aiya, my ancestor ah! What do I want those machines for, those machines have a lot of people can provide, what I want is people ah, each of you here casually pull out, is a first-class dismantling good hands, that side of the collapse of the region inside, the operating space is very narrow, the urgent need is the talent in this area ah!" Lei Dong's voice was on fire with anxiety.

 "Fatty Lei! I've made it very clear to you! There are things to be had, but not people to be had! You want manpower there's plenty of it outside, don't hit on the idea of my people here, others aren't clear on what's going on inside, do you think I might not be clear? There's no way to talk about this! See you off!" Li Qiong changed his usual amiability, flung his sleeves and turned his back directly.

 Lei Dong had a million expressions on his face at this moment, and he was just about to open his mouth to speak when Du Shuang crossed in front of him.

 "Lord Lei please go!"

 Lei Dong slammed his thigh and sighed helplessly.


 Then very unwillingly, he left with the people.

 When the people left, Li Qiong turned his head to Du Shuang and said, "Close the door! No more business today!"

 "Yes!" Du Shuang nodded and answered.

 Su Bai and Meng Ding and the others walked up and inquired.

 "Boss, are they here for the broadcasting matter?"

 "That's right, let's leave this matter alone, everyone stay here peacefully." Li Qiong's mood didn't seem to be very good either, he had also made up his mind, not hesitating to tear his face off with Lei Dong, knowing that as a businessman, the most taboo thing to do was to offend the customers.

 But now the situation had made Li Qiong not be able to take that much into consideration.

 "Understood, don't worry." Meng Ding nodded back.