Chapter 1: Haunted by Imps

(The background of this story is a parallel world, and relevant details will be adjusted appropriately. Do not substitute it into reality.)

 Chaos! What a mess!

The world is in turmoil and something weird is coming!

The news is frantically reporting strange situations. The announcer speaks very fast and follows the switching of the screen to introduce the situation.

A strange old man was walking in the city. Those who witnessed him were bleeding from all his orifices and died suddenly on the spot!

The pupilless child is surrounded by ghosts, looking for his eyes everywhere, and anyone who sees them will immediately become blind!

There are even more bloody hounds preying on humans, meat choppers and butchers killing prey, and gorgeous female corpses bewitching men...

When the news reached this point, the announcer had a serious look on his face, "Residents are asked to pay attention to their surroundings. If there is a situation, save their lives first, and then report the situation in a timely manner."

Ye Sha sighed heavily after reading the news carefully and leaned weakly on the sofa.

Chaos is coming, strange things are coming, how can he, an ordinary person, survive?

He is a fitness trainer with good performance. He is strong and has also learned some beautiful fighting skills, but these are of no use in the face of Weirdness.

 After all, we are facing monsters and monsters. No matter how skilled we are, we are still nothing more than jumping grasshoppers. The tendon meat on his body should be the best meat in Weird's eyes.

 "Bang bang bang"

There was a sudden strange noise in the kitchen, and Ye Sha couldn't help but feel nervous. He quickly tensed up his muscles, stood up, and moved slowly, for fear of disturbing any possible weirdness.

The noise became louder and louder, as if something was about to come out of the sewer.

Ye Sha thought for a moment, used strength on his feet, and ran away through the door!

 Only a mentally retarded person would face that weirdness! Running away is the best option!

The being in the kitchen seemed to know what Ye Sha was thinking. He broke through the door with a bang and chased down the stairs!

Ye Sha lives on the sixth floor. Although he is in good physical condition, he still has to go down the stairs and does not dare to go too fast.

Weiwei shouted a sharp cry, which was extremely harsh. How could Ye Sha dare to look back? He endured the stinging in his ears and ran down crazily.


The sound of sharp claws digging into flesh was heard first, and then Ye Sha felt a sharp pain in his back. Unable to stand still, Ye Sha rolled down the stairs.

With his arms tightly protecting his head, Ye Sha rolled down this part of the stairs in a daze, but without any hesitation, he immediately got up and stumbled down to escape.

 It was really painful, my back was burning and bleeding, and my hands and legs were swollen after being hit by the hard stairs.

 But Yesha didn't dare to stop, because if he stopped, he would die!

It has been three months since Weird appeared in the public eye, and I haven't heard of anyone who can survive Weird's pursuit!

You may not survive if you run, but you will definitely die if you don't run!


That weird angry scream seemed to anger Ye Sha as prey, and the speed of the pursuit increased a bit.

 "How scary!"

Ye Sha kept replaying the strange appearance he had just seen when he fell in his mind, but his footsteps did not stop.

That guy looked like a skinny child, but his body was dry and his skin was horrifyingly wrinkled. The face is extremely distorted, the ghostly eyes are glaring, a bloody mouth is full of tiny sharp teeth, and the nails on the claws are sharp, making them excellent weapons for preying on humans.

He was about to run out of the corridor. Ye Sha felt happy. Before he took a few steps, his head started to feel dizzy in the next second. There were waves of numbness in the wounds on his back that were torn apart by the ghost claws. It turned out that he had been poisoned!

Ye Sha used his last bit of strength to push open the corridor door on the first floor, but his body fell out involuntarily. The kid screamed and jumped on him, opened his mouth and bit Ye Sha's neck fiercely.

Although Ye Sha was unconscious, his survival instinct prompted him to protect his vitals and decisively blocked it with his arm. The kid's bloody mouth bit into his arm, and blood spattered everywhere.


Yesha let out an unbearable scream, but his body gradually lost strength due to the poison, and he was unable to push away the kid on his body.

"I didn't expect that he died like this!"

As if anticipating his own death, Ye Sha could only cry unwillingly in his heart.

The little ghost swallowed a piece of meat from Ye Sha's arm while biting with his sharp teeth, and was about to bite his neck to kill the prey completely and enjoy the delicious food.

The dark clouds that originally covered the sky and blocked the moonlight suddenly dispersed, and the bright full moon hung in the sky. A ray of moonlight shined through the glass on Ye Sha, who was waiting to die!

Even the kid felt something was wrong and raised his head to look at the night sky through the glass.

 Suddenly, a big furry hand grasped it tightly by its neck and lifted it up in the air.

The little ghost struggled in fear, only to find that his sharp claws could not cause any damage to the big hand.

Yesha, who was lying on the ground waiting for death, disappeared and was replaced by a terrifying ferocious werewolf. Its hair is shiny and black, its body is tall and strong, its wolf claws and arm muscles are bulging, it is extremely scary. Above the wolf's head, the green beast eyes stared at the kid fiercely.

 "It's my turn, damn brat!"

The wolf speaks human words, with a hoarse and low voice, like the roar of a jungle beast.

The wolf claws slowly exerted force, squeezing the kid's neck, letting him experience the despair of dying.

With the last squeeze of the wolf's claws, the kid could no longer struggle, his head tilted, and he became silent...