Strange Occurence

Melchior held his hands up to look at them. Outwardly it looked like nothing on them had changed, but he could feel it in his veins. The energy flowed deep, running from every part of his body. It was like crack cocaine, not that he'd know.

"Damjan," he said,

"Yes, sire?"

"Good job. That was a good explanation,"

What seemed to be a thin smile spread across the large snake's face. It bowed down even more.

"Far from it, my king. No mere explanation should elicit that reaction,"

"Then what is it?" Melchior asked, frowning in confusion. "It was simple enough to grasp what you were saying."

Damjan shook his head. "I'd be a better human than I'd be a better teacher. So the fact that you could grasp what I was trying to say — with only a barebones explanation — shows that your intelligence is far above the masses. As expected of my Kin-"

"Do you know where to find some nocturnal beasts that aren't too strong?" he asked, cutting the serpent off.

Damjan paused to think for several seconds before seemingly concluding.

"Bats," he said in that same smooth voice as always.

"What about them? Other than the fact that they're nocturnal,"

"There's quite a bit of them in some caves near the human mines. They're nocturnal and pose as perfect targets for my king."

Mel was a little hesitant about that. The faint human arrogance in his blood shone through here. When he imagined bats, he saw little rats with wings, not extremely dangerous monsters who could pose a threat to him. 

"Bats work fine, I suppose," he muttered, then flexed his arm a little. It felt lighter than usual. "Is there anything else, Damjan?"

The snake shook its head, "Nothing, sire."

"Drop the formalities behind every sentence," Melchior frowned, pointing out the annoying constant in the conversations he had with the spirit.

"If you wish so, my Lord,"

His attendant grinned a toothy one and uttered a response which was met with a deadpan gaze.

"Quit it."


He spent a bit more time eyeing his new status panel but decided to leave quickly. The sooner he familiarized himself with this power, the better. After all, it was instrumental to everything he planned on doing in the future.

"I'll be back soon. If all goes as expected, I should call on you as soon as I get to those caves you mentioned."

"I will await your call," Damjan said, then bowed once and for all.

Without paying the snake any more mind, Melchior turned around and headed for the direction of the mines. He took off into a small sprint, purposefully reducing his speed in order not to draw attention to any lurking predators.

The woods around were pretty safe because of the combined efforts of the Warriors in the morning and the Watchers at night, but one could never be too sure. He had taken to planning a few steps in advance ever since he had gotten to this world. Was that normal?

Those thoughts hummed at the back of his mind constantly, but he swiftly pushed them away, reminded of those faint blue floating screens.

'Elgross; A planet multiple sizes bigger than Earth. And I have to become the King,'

The task was charming as it was impossible. But he had to do it, not just because of the system of Finality or whatever it was called. But for himself also.

His feet dug into the ground mid-run and thrusted him forward once more at top speed. If there was anything he appreciated more than ever, it was the sheer physical prowess this body granted him.

Melchior dodged tree after tree, all the while going at speeds that would Put Olympic runners to shame.

'This is as good a time as any,'

He willed the system into existence, and a long screen showed up in front of him.

[Status Window]

Name: Melchior E'al Zale (Son of Zale) | Title: Divine King of Spirits

Race: Human | Spirit Bond: N/A




Physique Lvl 1

Spirit Lvl 1

Charisma Lvl 0

Intuition Lvl 1 



Basic Weapons Training, Basic Hunting and Gathering, Basic Marksmanship Basic Rune Comprehension, Dignity (Lvl 1), Flow (Lvl 1), and Innate Spirit Energy Manipulation.


Flood Tide, Hailstorm, Whirlpool, Dark Vortex


Damjan the Storm Eater (Activated), Tirun the Underworld Gate (Activated)


As expected the new skills and abilities had been inputted into the system display. There was also an 'Activated' behind Damjan's and Tirun's names.

He focused on all the new skills and abilities, and soon multiple screens popped up in front of him.


[Name: Flow (Lvl 1)

Type: Passive Skill

Details: The skill allows for total optimization of the body in extreme states of pressure. This creates an artificial flow state which is especially beneficial in the heat of battle.]


[Name: Innate Spirit Energy Manipulation

Type: Passive Skill

Details: This is usually an inborn trait that influences the movement of spirit energy within the body. Individuals with this skill usually are structurally more similar to spirits and can utilize spirit energy far more smoothly]

Melchior swiped the screen away and focused wholly on running forward. He was already a decent distance away from the mines.

That was when time suddenly stopped.

"Kids shouldn't be roaming about late at night,"

The voice was slightly high-pitched and monotone and came right out of nowhere. When time resumed, a masked person stood in front of Melchior.

'What the hell?!'

He jumped back and a fist followed, hurling straight into his guts. He was fast, but the first was faster. Time stopped once more, just as the pain spread outwards from his stomach.

Then time resumed again. He fell to the ground, flat but no one was there to be seen around him.

"Who are you?" he called out cautiously, standing to his feet.

The voice returned, "Stay put,"

This time around, Melchior was mostly ready. He tumbled to the floor just before the next punch hit, slipping and sliding on some mud.

It quite luckily worked out to his advantage. Kind of.

A kick cut a clean arc straight through the air and slammed into his chest mid-fall. The air escaped his lungs for a lengthy second, and then they returned.

The voice sighed then the owner appeared in front of him, clad in all-black clothes, completely indistinguishable.

"You're quite weak for a First Layer Bonded. Shouldn't you have some more tricks up your sleeve? I know I'm a bit strong, but you're just pathetic."

Melchior coughed, glaring. He had run into an unexpected complication.

'Is he one of the Watchers…?'

"Don't look at me like that," he shrugged, putting up the dark-gloved arms 

"I was given strict instructions to make sure no one was there to complicate matters. With the direction you were going, we were sure to run into each other sooner or later. So I decided to get rid of you now. Don't blame me, blame the universe."

Melchior had long tuned out whatever this person was saying. He had concluded fully that they were most definitely not one of the Watchers. So they were an enemy.

"Bats were lame anyway," he muttered, "You're way better,"